
Help I am scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. I ate these mints today called mojo mints and they have caffine in them, but the only thing is I ate 19 of them! I am I going to like die from this? I am really scared now. What is going to happen?




  1. no, you're not gonna die. if you start to feel sick just go to the e.r., if you feel funny than just lay down and watch tv or something.

  2. Calm down nothing is going to happen to you so there is nothing you need to worry about

  3. No you will probably just get sick and/or have trouble sleeping.  Just promise me you won't do it again.

  4. Relax you won't die. If you consumed too much, you experience a caffeine overdose but that isnt likely. You'd be sweating, dizzy, having diarhhea, vomiting, and you'd have muscle spasms. If any of that happens, go to the ER. But I am sure you are ok.

  5. notttt attt allll :D

    okay i did research, those mojo mints have 22mg of caffiene in them and a cup of coffee has 80-100mg of caffiene.. so yeah there's people who drink like 4 cups of coffee so i'm gonna say that you'll be fiiiinnne, hyper! but fine lol :D

  6. you 12 right?

    who eats 19 mints? Did your breath smell that bad?

    No you wont die, drink water girl.

  7. You will be fine. If you are concerned eat bread or rice to absorb the caffeine. The caffeine content is probably not that high.

    Just don't do that all the time.  

  8. You are not going to die. Odds are you will be very jittery for a while then crash. The average person can take up to 500 milligrams of caffeine without anything serious happening to them. There are 22 milligrams of caffeine in a pill so you ingested 418 milligrams of caffeine. The worst thing that will happen to you is you'll crash in a little while and have crazy dreams.

  9. Oh please your fine. i would not do that..... but its def. unhealthy. i dont think anythings gonna happen though okZ?

  10. You should be fine, you might be shaking a bit, but just try to relax, drink lots of water, and you should be alright. I know someone who took the equivalent of 100 cups of coffee in caffeine pills (you took 19) and he was alright. Make sure there's someone around, different people react differently to caffeine. It should pass in a few hours!

  11. Hmmm, you must be blonde? hahahaha jk. No sweetie you're not gonna die. That Probably is equivalent to drinking a mountain dew

  12. no you might get a rush of energy but you'll be fine its like drinking three or four cups of coffee

  13. no not at all you will be fine!!

  14. What I want to know here is why there is a question mark after Help, I am scared. That seems like a statement or an exclamation to me.

    Long story short, just like everyone above has said...

    You will live to check this question another day.

  15. how long ago did you eat them? you are prob going to get very jittery and your heart beat could eb come eragular. have someone with you at all times for the rest of the day.

  16. lol   mojo magic mints                                                              

    your going on a trip  for days  

    i had a freind  did same thing   he never was the same

    O they will say  no problem   just a little speeding   a fast buzz

    But youll be back    

    very addicting    worse than  and  drug  i have heard of

    the mojo magic mints

  17. Make sure you don't do any running or any strenuous exercise until the caffine is out of your system or your heart could stop.

  18. you will be fine don't worry I'm pretty sure they don't have that much in them hope that helps

  19. your not gonna die. i mean really, you ate 19 mints and your scared of dieing from them?! so what if they had caffine in them. chances are that they dont have enough to kill you. what are you, some sort of r****d?

  20. Im guessing if they're just mints, that theres not enough caffeine to do anything harmful. If anything maybe jitters. Just go eat some normal food and drink it down with water. Breads are good to help something like that.

  21. If your heart starts racing and you have chest pains GO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT

  22. their only mints ...... if your scared call the posion control people.

  23. You will be o.k.

    Try chocolate instead.

  24. If they were literally the size of hubcaps, yes. Otherwise no.

  25. you won't die.. unless they're drugs (in which you should consult a doctor)

    if you were gonna die or something were to happen to you it would happen right after you finished these mints... and they're mints(harmless) :)

  26. Ok C-A-L-M down! You are not going to die! You might just get a little tipsy from it. Wow they must be very good mints :). And don't worry you are probably not the only one that has done that!:)

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