
Help! I am sooo sleep deprived!?

by  |  earlier

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My one month old still has his days and nights mixed up. I get through each long night by snacking on nothing but candy just to stay awake. Is there a better way? A more healthier way to stay awake?




  1. My little one used to stay up to 4am sometimes, these times I used to turn off lights, no TV or anything distracting and just sing or shush or hold him, but do not entertain him too much, so he can get used to that nighs are for sleeping, also sleep whenever you can with him on every nap. And yes, are you working that you can not sleep at the day time?

  2. dude, i hate having kids and theres one reason. Black coffee straight should work wonders. I use a straw to prevent staining but it still will. Try that new 5 hour energy drink. I never did but the commercials look promising.

  3. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Don't worry about the dishes.

    d**n! You're in the same boat I was in. Sorry.. you're just gonna have to wade it out.

  4. sleep when baby sleeps & ask family to come and help!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of newborns!

    IT WILL GET BETTER - there is hope!! Just hang in there.

  5. You need to work on switching his days/nights.  You can adjust his schedule gradually.  Start by keeping the house very quiet an hour or so before bedtime, turn all the lights down low, and make the atmosphere calm.  You mentioned a 3 year old, so no running around and screaming 1 hour before baby's last feeding before bedtime.  It's kinda hard to manage this sometimes, but you just have to make it into a habit.  During the day, keep the tv going, vacuum, anything to make noise.  Keep the curtains open, to let in plenty of sunlight.  Take baby for short walks in a stroller.  Do not let him sleep all day.  I know most people think it's wrong to wake a sleeping baby (and I'll probably get thumbs down for this) but limit his naps. As his mother, you know how long he needs to nap.  I would say no more than a couple of hours at a time.  Keep him awake for times other than just to eat during the day.  An activity mat that he can look up at or a baby swing, or just talking and cooing to him can help.  And that last hour of the day, before his last "daytime" feeding, give him a warm bath, snuggle and rock (if he likes that) and feed him his last bottle.  When he wakes during the night for another feeding, keep any bright lights off (I would just use the light from a tv, with the sound muted) or something comparable to feed him.  Do not hold him much longer than required to feed and burp him or rock him (if that's what he's used to) and don't try to play with him.  Keep everything as dark and quiet as possible, basically.  Eventually (will probably take about a week), he will figure out that when it's dark and quiet it's time to sleep.  Then you can sleep and not pull your hair out.  Just try this out, and remember to stick with it and be consistent, and it WILL WORK!  Hang in there!  

  6. Do you work during the day? if you stay at home with your son than sleep when he does wether its day or night. forget about housework and all that for a little while sleep is more important. ask for help from  someone you  trust even if its only for an our or two

  7. coffee

  8. Why dont you try sleepin during the day when the baby is sleep so when night falls you'll already be rested. Because there is no healthy way to keep yourself up when your body needs sleep. If you dont rest you could get sick, have extreme mood swings, or your body could just shut down on you. So try to take it easy and rest WITH the little one.

    Good luck and Congrats.

  9. tobacco

    its injurious to health but may not be more that losing sleep!


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