
Help! I can't find a way to get to class?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a drivers license, so I can't drive.

I can't take a bus because too many girls get raped.

How the h**l do I get to/from class? I don't have the money to fill up someone's tank everyday. Yeah, I'll help on gas, but I've done that this week and the person burns all the gas I give them. That, or they pocket the money.

Isn't there another way?

And don't tell me to move on campus, I have a lease for my apartment.




  1. I sympathize with your situation, though I feel that--if it's really important to someone--they will find a way to get to class, no matter how difficult.  

    Is it impossible for you to get a license?  Even if you're unable to get a car, the independence you get from having a license 'just in case' is priceless.  

    Anyway, why don't you just treat your ride like a taxi?  Give them the money that they expend in gas taking you to class, plus a little extra for the trouble (though I wouldn't even do that if you're just carpooling with a fellow student).  Don't pay in advance--hand them a ten as you get out of the car.  Never pay ahead--even to a friend.  It's just asking to get conned.

    Otherwise, surely there's a fellow student you can hitch a ride with.

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