
Help...I don't know if I can get

by Guest57948  |  earlier

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I sucked my boy friend then he "came" on my chest so I went to the bathroom to wipe it off and then I pied and I wiped myself with the tissu that I folded in half and that did not have much sprem on it,I only wiped the top of my v****a the part right after my tummy, not further..may I get pregnant? and why? Please help...




  1. No, and until you learn what will get you pregnant, I would advise staying away from any sort of sexual activity.

  2. Probably not but it is a possibility. One of the sperm could have escaped and you might be pregnant. Just take a pregnancy test to make sure.

  3. its possible but most likely not you may just have to wait 2 weeks to find out of take the pill

  4. Possible, but very unlikely.  

  5. No u r not prego.

  6. You'll be fine.

  7. Most likely no..but if u think some sperm did enter ur v****a, and u wind up missin a period then there is a possibility, but i would say most likely no.

  8. Probably not but if you think any sperm got on you v****a from wiping it then it's possible. If you folded it like you say then less likely. You can try and find the morning after pill if you're really concerned, but I think you'll probably be ok.


  9. you should be fine, if you only wiped the top you should be in the clear it would be different if you wiped around the vaginal opening and if some sperm was on a not folded part of the tissue so you should be good  

  10. I'm not really sure but just think, how long ago did you go to the bathroom, because sperm dies after a couple of minutes or so.  The same thing kinda happened to me, i have my boyfriend a hand job them we might of gotten some of his stuff on his finger but he wiped it off but there might of been a little bit on there and then he fingered me, so i'm stuck in the same situation. but for yours i seriously doubt that your pregnant i just read somewhere that its not likely to happen. hope i helped. =)

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