
Help!! I feel insecure!!!!!!

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Yesterday my dad kept asking me who my friends were because he acts like i am a loner at school every since my b*tchy oldest sister said i don't think she has any friends and that happens to be his favorite child so he agrees with EVERYTHING she says. I hate it! Now he keeps bugging me about it and i told him that he doesn't need to know and he got pissed and overreacted. He says one day he'll kick me out of the house. Help! I am only a teenager and my dad doesn't realize how hurt I am. He takes his anger out on me and I feel like sh*t! I can't stand it! He doesn't care if I call the police on him because at least he'll get to hit me. I am crying now and a long time ago my mom was about to hit me and told my middle sister to open the door and she tried opening it. That made me hate her and it seemed like she wanted me to get hit. Can someone please help? I am crying and I feel like no one cares about me because my whole family is b*tch!!!




  1. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.

    Tell him the truth. That should hopefully shut him up. Talk to your friends about it, or other family members.

    Find some support.

    Good luck.

  2. Family is sometimes so stupid. Listen to some music and calm down. After you calm down, talk to your dad and your family. If you can't, then write them a letter. Good luck.  

  3. The biggest blow-outs seem to happen over the stupidest stuff these days. My daughter is going through the same kind of c**p with her dad right now. I'm so sorry. I'm sure you have friends. I remember in high school, there were years that I didn't have many friends because most of them graduated. I think (now) everyone goes through those kind of times. Don't feel insecure because of your family. You know that you have great worth. Some of the kids that seem to have tons of friends don't have anyone around when times get tough.

    Side note: Study hard. Education is your freedom! Just picture yourself in the future with a good job making great money and having the freedom to do what you want to do!

  4. Move out of the house and then you'll see how much you miss them.

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