
Help! I feel really bad in class because I'm really bad at participating.?

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I'm in higher level education, and I can't seem to ever keep up with how fast the teacher teaches.

People look at me weird sometimes cause they never heard me speak during class time.

What should I do?




  1. One suggestion to try is to get yourself a microcassette recorder and tape the class session.  Not only will it help you to take better notes and become better at studying, but you can also make a list of questions to ask the teacher, the next day.

    Remember...there is NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION because if we all felt this way and didn't ask someone about it, we would never learn anything, now would we?

    It's ok to be shy and not speak in class, but if you are having trouble keeping up, DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOUR TEACHER...That is what they are paid to do and THEY WILL NOT BITE!

  2. Okay my answer may seem stupid but just participate! You HAVE to not let how other people perceive you stop you from participating!

    Listen I have been there. There was one class I took in college in which I never spoke (and the class grade was 25% participation)!. I HATE HISTORY! I mean if I spoke then I would sound stupid. But really...who cares? If someone thinks that you sound stupid then I guarantee there's at least one other person who is silently thanking you for asking the same question he or she wanted to but was afraid to!!!  

    I got a B in that class and I took a second history class (might I remind you...I HATE HISTORY!). But i since I only received half participation credit in my last history class I decided to overly participate. I would attempt to answer every other question (to the point where the teacher would not pick me), I got my full participation credit AND I became one of the most popular people in the class. I learned better (because if my answer was wrong, I was corrected and it stuck with me), and guess what? No one thought I was stupid (at least I don't THINK they did). I developed better self-confidence and I got a higher grade!

    I don't know how to say this nicely so I'm just going to say it...please get over it! Just participate, don't think of how stupid you will sound (it's all in your head), and participate! You will thank yourself 5 years later!

  3. Short and sweet. Ask lots of questions to clarify and try and insert your knowledge when the opportunity comes.

  4. Well if you can't keep up go back 2 regular ed if you would feel more comfortable.  Or talk 2 your teacher. Students probably just think you are shy.

  5. There is more to participation then speaking.  Are you engaged in listening?  Do you make eye-contact and smile?  Do you pay attention to what is going on during class?

    I would not feel too badly about not speaking in class if you are doing those things.  Some people process slower (I am one of those) and get more out of listening than always having to interject.  I am sure your teacher does not think poorly of you for not talking in class, if you are actively listening.  And if you do have a question, ask after class or email it.  That will allow the teacher to know you most definitely are engaged in the class.

  6. Taking good notes, taping the lecture, making a study friend (s) will help. If this happens more in some classes than others, you should talk with the teacher about it. Perhaps you could review the lesson before class. The best advice I ever got was, Sit at the front of the class!  Have confidence, be yourself. You obviously have done something right to get to this point, don't be too hard on yourself. Tutors are available to help you keep up, don't be shy about getting all the help you need!

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