
Help I fell 2 hours ago!?

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ok I fell about 2 hours ago, I slipped on some water on the floor. Ok the way I fell was forward right on my knees, after I got up, I felt a tightening like braxton hicks around my belly. I felt fine but now , I feel like I am having those Braxton Hicks contractions, I have no pain just some acing in my back but I'm sure I'm fine right? no bleeding is moving also. I really don't want to go to the hospital, because I will see my OB to marrow. I went to the hospital for bleeding BROWN and pink and I was sent home, they had no idea what is wrong. I still have that bleeding but I'm 7 months now so I guess I am fine?




  1. Call your doctor, but it sounds like you are probably ok.  When I was like 7 months with my first I slipped on the stairs.  I landed on my butt, but I think when you tense up afterwards it can trigger some of those braxton hicks.  Call the doc to keep them informed,and I'm sure they will just check you out tomorrow.  

  2. u should be fine our bodies are made to protect the baby but dont do it all the time lol  

  3. You are probably fine, but just to make yourself feel better, why don't you call the on-call number for your OB.  That is what I always do when in doubt, and I always feel better after talking to her.

  4. If your still having those contractions you need to get checked out.

  5. If i were you i would go just to be safe then sorry. I fell early in my last pregnancy and ended up having a miscarriage.

  6. If the pains keep up i would go to the hospital just to be on the safe side to make sure baby is ok  

  7. Ouch!!  Hope you feel ok!

    Your best bet would be to go to the ER, just to be safe.  More likely than not you are just fine, but its best to be sure.  

    In the meantime, just make sure you baby is kicking as usual.  A higher amount of kicks or hiccups can be a sign of stress.

  8. i fell a couple of times when i was pregnant...just keep a watch on your body and what your baby is doing...if there is a significant loss in fetal movement, if you do start bleeding again, extreme pain, and or just a gut feeling..then you should go to the hospital.  since you are feeling fine and the baby seems ok..just take it REALLY easy until you see your OB tomorrow..stay in bed with your feet propped up.  tell your doctor tomorrow about your fall. otherwise if any of the symptoms happen before your appointment tomorrow...go to the hospital.

    by the way..after my falls my baby is dont over stress yourself about happens

  9. If you're going to your OB tomorrow I'd just wait and talk to them about it since you didn't land on your belly and the baby is moving.  

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