
Help?! I fell like quitting.?

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I'm 14 years old, and I started playing golf for about a month now..

I think golf is very fun, and I would rather play it than the sports I play now.. ( football, Basketball ) .

okay so I haven't been to a lot of golf courses,only about 4-5 times.. but been to the driving range a lot.. I'm not taking any lessons or anything, i'm only learning from my dad, and he's a pretty good player. I went golfing with him in a golf tournement with his friends.. and I did soo bad.. I shot like 97 on a Par 72 course.. I was so mad because that day, I never shot well with my driver.. it's just so dad was mad at me..

What should I do? I feel like I don't wanna play again..why am I playing so bad lately?? Am I expecting too much?? should I just quit?!




  1. 97 is a pretty good score for if you've only been playing a month. Keep with it. Golf can take awhile to get good at. It takes a lot of practice, patience, and commitment.

  2. It was wrong for your dad to be mad at you (if he was actually mad at you)

    After I was playing for a month I was still shooting around the same score you hit on that tournament. Heck I was still in 100s most of the time.

    I just kept practicing, and taking the game as a sport and not a chore to make myself better in such a short period of time.

    I now shoot late 70s to mid 80s, this is after playing for about 5years. That is quite along time because I seem to keep hearing about player who are off single figures after 6years of playing.

    In golf you will have your good days and your bad days, this is something you should quit for.

    At one point I had the shanks for 6months.!!!! and thats not a lie.

    If you don't know what the shanks are, then google it up. It is the worst shot in golf to have, I never quit....Everyweek in and out I would be shanking this ball everywhere and I couldn't fix it.

    I don't know why I didn't give up and I am very very grateful to myself that I didn't quit the game. I got myself a lesson from a pro and he helped me to overcome this problem.

    Golf uses the handicap system and this will make the game fair.

    You could be expecting too much too soon, you could of been trying to impress your dad by hitting good drives and when you play a bad one it will get to you. This makes you try harder, when really you should just swing steady.

    Do not quit, and I promise when you start to shoot good scores you will thanks yourself..

    Hope I have helped, good luck

  3. im in the same predictiment

    ALL of my clubs were inconsistent

    so here is what i did

    i bot a net like for baseball, and it was like28 bucks at modells

    u put it in ur yard and u can hit into the ball

    i have been practicing with all my irons and my driver

    it helped me TONS!!!

    i am much more consistent than b4

    and i am hitting the ball straiht

    i strongly recomend this to you!

  4. i dont think you should quit.

    i think you're really good at it =]

    i play golf my self and im 12 and im off 10 now

    and when i first played golf i shot like hoo.. 150??

    keep on going and take lessons work on it!


  5. You have only played for a month and shot a 97. Thats not bad. Golf takes a while to become good. I play for my highschool team and this year i won a tournament with a 71 and tied for first in another with a 68 but later in the season i was shooting 89s. i didn't give up cause i know stuff just happens in golf. So just keeping working at it cause you can play it for the rest of your life.

    Try to get some lessons from a PGA teaching pro. No offense to your dad but they are meant to teach golf thats why they have jobs. Support them.

  6. There are a lot of players out there that have not broken 100 after playing for years. One month of play and you got a 97? That's not bad at all.

    If you like the game, you'll keep trying.

  7. Keep working at it. You'll get better as you practice and play more. You'll have some rough times, but since I've been golfing for 10 years (started when I was 6, I'm 16 now), I know that I can get through it. Let me give you an example.

    I played on my high school golf team this spring, and I was shooting in the 90s and even the 100s in 18 hole invitationals - scores that I hadn't shot in 3+ years. I had a few flaws in my swing, and after correcting them, I am now averaging about 80 for 18, which is my usual anyways.

    Don't give up, kid. You could have some serious potential if you work at it.

  8. If you like golf don't quit.  Your dad was just mad because he didn't win.  Dad's get like that sometimes.  It is a competition thing.  It is totally normal to be disappointed with your own poor performance when it comes to something new.  You have to practice lots to get good at anything and golf is no different.  Keep practicing if you have fun and you will get better.

  9. Hey man just take it easy and don't worry too much it happens all the time.

    For example I play off 5 and I shot a -2 round of 70 one day and I was stoked.  The next day I went out and shot 82 so it happens a LOT!

    Just have fun with golf because it's a great game!

    P.S that Mina =) girl plays at the same club as me! Give her a thumbs up just for me!

  10. Keep working at it. Golf is a sport you can get much enjoyment from for life.

  11. For someone your age and shooting under 100 after a month is great. If your dad got mad at you, shame on him. There are many many pros who are inconsistant from tournament to tourament and they have paid swing coaches, putting coaches and caddies to help them.

    If you like the game, stick with it but maybe not enter any tournament for a while. Ask your dad to help with your game when it is just you and him.

    Ask yourself if you made any 'come back shots'. I sank a 35' putt for a birdie recent and that was the shot that made me want to go out and play again. Did you have any 'come back shots' in the tournament?

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