
Help I forget my Administrator's Password?

by  |  earlier

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Ok the computer has a guest account and I'm on it and you cant use the BMD thingy to turn it into an adminstator I forgot the password then I try the F8 option but the adminstator account thing has a dang password.And I cant reinstall the software and I cant download anything please help Im on a Dell Windows XP




  1. Type in "forgot windows administrative password" in the search for questions box in yahoo answers, and click search. Hope you will find the answer.

  2. Try following the instructions here:

    That should do it.

  3. Simply use Linux to reset it

    Just a few seconds and you're done!

  4. Try to find some password recovery tool that can be runned from usb drive.

    But as Linux OS said you should use linux.

  5. THe only way round is with a downloaded ISo that will tell you the Password if you can't do that you are screwed

    Ophcrack live cd will tell you


    This will take you to their pages discussing how to reset your admin password.

    y to fix your problem.

  7. I had that problem at one time and called my friend to help me out. She told me to type in password and it worked. She said alot of programs use password, as a pasword. Its worth a shot

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