
Help! I found a turtle in our backyard and I cannot identify him. He is small with red, yellow on his face?

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We have a pond in our neighborhood and I am not sure if he belongs there or not. Please respond ASAP. Thank you




  1. sounds like a slider..

    what do ya need to know are you keeping him?

    they hang in ponds where there is fish to eat and lots of greens..

    you may have a nest near by..

    If you keep him its expensive. I have had 2 for 36 yrs. They have out lived their 25 yr life span!

    I  would go check out the pond and see if you can see any basking in the sun..

    If you want to keep him let me know I can give you some tips.

    Your great to care and ask  Yahoo..

  2. it sounds just like a red eared slider.  

    i looked on the internet for pictures.  

    it will be fine in a pond


  3. it sounds like its a red eared slider, if it's really small its chances of actually surviving are slim bt maybe over time its gotton used 2 finding food and such

  4. A Painter Turtle maybe?

  5. He is just a Painted Turtle. They are natural in the Americas and will eat bugs, but also algae and plants.

  6. he is probably a little red eared slider,you can just turn it loose in the pond.they can take care of themselves...

  7. It sort of sounds like a painted turtle or a red eared slider, and they're normal. I'm sure he'll be fine in the pond. Check and see -- does he have a multi -colored design on the bottom of his shell? Then he's probably a painted turtle, but both can survive on their own.

  8. ask your neighbor

  9. I am guessing it is a red ear slider. Otherwise use the second link to identify your turtle. It most likely came from the pond.

    If your turtle is yellow/black with red or orange markings on its cheeks,  it is a red-eared slider turtle. If there are red crescents on the marginal

       scutes, and red and yellow stripes on the legs, it is a painted turtle.

       Refer to the Water Turtle Care sheets

       for basic care information.

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