
Help! I got my girlfriend pregnant! (football related)?

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i am 19 and she is 24. i was looking forward to having a boy to teach him to be like Tom Brady but then again i dont want to risk it because it might be a girl then im screwed. i was thinking of just doing the right thing and tell her to get an abortion but im still not sure....




  1. Are you trying to say you can only love your child if it's a boy? I think your girlfriend would be in a much healthier situation raising this child by herself. MKight be time in your life to take resposibility for your actions and become a man...

  2. he might be a boy and hate football. you may be the father of the next Derek Jeter.

    but an abortion big mistake. a girl can be one h**l of an athelete. look at the Uconn or tenn. women playing basketball.

  3. How the F do you think having an abortion is right and embryo is a baby you need help  

  4. Don't have a child so they can be a football player/fan but do yourself and your lady friend a favor.  DON'T have an abortion.  It seems so easy and quick and over now but its not...

    And I have the right to say that...been there done that bought the t-shirt... you can never forget..

  5. Never know maybe a boy or girl u will have in ur future.

    Having kids now at this age, come on be more responsible.

    U kid might not like football

    All the people are not same.  

  6. Vote Felicia for best answer. She hit the nail right on the head.

  7. wow you're stupid. When you get a girl pregnant there is always a chance that you're gonna have a girl. Don't have unprotected s*x and adopt next time. O and don't get an abortion. It's your fault not the baby's

  8. Why does it matter you gonna kill your kid over footbal???

  9. dang, thats a hard question. I'd wait till I get married then if your first child is a girl, you can just have another without worrying about abortion.

    Thats a pretty stupid answer but thats all I got.

    Best of luck to you

  10. WTF!!?? Judging by this question, you definitely shouldn't be having kids. You think the right thing is to get an abortion because you might have a daughter and miss out on teaching your son to be like Tom Brady?? Dude, get a psychiatrist... and wait 10 years before having another kid!!!

  11. How is this related to football? You should have put this question in the family and relationship categories.

    By the way don't you know that you're taking a 50/50 chance everything you have a baby. It isn't like you can do it standing up and you get a boy.

  12. How do you and your baby momma get along? u gotta think about the kid.

    first things first forget about tom brady u gotta get a job kid.

  13. Dude this questions gonna make a ton of girls cuss u out good luck though,

  14. how in the world is getting a abortion "doing the right thing" idiot! Doing the right thing would be being man enough to take care of the baby because apparently you were "man enough" to lay there and get sum! thats doing the right thing and thats one stupid reason to try and have a baby think about what you doing! a baby is a human too just like you, what if your parents aborted you just cuz your a boy, you wouldnt be sittin here asking a stupid question!  

  15. having a kid should not matter on its are a little young to be having a child but i think you guys should talk and see what you are planning on doing with your lives and what would be best for you guys and the baby i know people freak out over abortions but if you cant handle a child now get an abortion or she could have the child and put it up for an adoption but make your judgment off wanting a kid or not, not off wanting a boy or girl...good luck with your decision

  16. like Tom Brady, he'll be a great quarterback, or like Tom Brady to ditch his baby momma. sensitive.

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