
Help I got periods! ???

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Hi! My name is Natasha and I'm in Year 6/6th Grade.

Yesterday morning I found out that I got periods! I was sooooo shocked. I'm afraid that everyone will know that I have periods eventually and that everyone will tease me. Is it too early to get periods ???

And now I have to wear sanitary pads and it feels sooooo uncomfortable. I have to get used to this for my whole life! How long do women get periods for ???

And it's soooo weird because the blood just falls and it feels like you're about to pee! I'm going to have to get used to this sooner or later.

What can I do because I've told my closest friends (about 8 including my parents) and I'm afraid that my secret will spread to the rest of the school! I'm sooooooooo uncomfortable about this and I hate this. Well, it IS a part of life.

Plz no comments like, "Why are you EVEN on Y! Q&A ??? You not supposed to be on this until you're 13."

Plz, I need your help on this, especially girls who have periods because I know that you once experienced this before.

Plz no bad comments!

Sorry if I put it in the wrong category because there's not really any category for this type of question.

Can you plz tell me more about periods IF YOU CAN because I can get to know more about periods. DON'T give me "The Talk" (LOL) because my mum already gave me some of "The Talk".


Musikk in tha earzz.




  1. Hey..

    I just got my period to.

    Your doing well and it must be hard for a year 6!! (:

    Don't worry about it, it will get easier and telling your friends is a good thing! Don't be embarrased by it though. Its a aprt of life and your freinds can giv you support.

    Good Luck (:


  2. 1)well, girl will get their period from the early age. between 9 until 15. so relax, it's normal ;p

    2) da period will comes out for da very least 3 days or da very long of 14 days.

    3) it's ok for people to kno dat u've got ur period. hey, u're now a big girl. wat's wrong wif dat? u shud b proud though. but, doesn mean dat u can hav s*x. b careful if only u want to. u can get pregnant if u dun play it safe.

    4) if there's anyone who tease u, juz let them be. u're now a big girl, a big girl won't let an immature people pissed them off.

    5) bout pads, u'll get used to it sooner. no worries. stil, correct me if i'm wrong, u can use tampon instead of pad if u wanted to.

    6) u'r moods will swirl around. u might b more sensitive during this time. control ur moods.

    7) next month, u may not hav a period or da period won't come at the exact date as today. nothing to be worry about. it's normal too. u're hormone is currently adjusting to ur body. up until now, my period does not happened at the exact date. n it's not a big deal to me ;p

    congrats, for being a big girl:)

  3. Do not be embarassed. This is something that every woman goes through. No, it is not young. I got my period when I was in the 5th grade. I felt the same way that you did. I am now 24. You will have your period until you are in your late 40's early 50's. Eventually you can go to wearing tampons that are much better than pads. You are a little young for that right now. Get used to the whole period thing and then try a tampon. It will take you a few times to get used to them too. It will hurt putting one in the first time too. But they are more sanitary to use and not noticible at all. Plus, easier to fit in your purse or backpack.  

  4. you will get used to sanitary pads - there are different types you can get that may make it more conformable for you on a daily basis - etc with or without wings, and ultra thins.... let me know what else you would like to KNOW about periods and we will more thank willing to help...... it will probably last around 5 days but it can change from person to person AND from month to month...... telling your friends can be good because you can compare stories - because it will happen to all your girlfriends eventually!!! you may be the first but i'm sure someone else will get theres soon as well!

  5. I got mine the summer before grade 6

    and yes I know it feels werid but trust me

    you WILL get used to it

    and it won't feel like a peeing feeling more like a period feeling

    You'll have your period for about a week, once a month until your around the age of 40 - 60

    But since your just starting out your period may be irregular

    and you might miss it once a month, or get it twice a month

    it is normal

    When girls found out that I had my period they were all jealous

    If you want it to be kept a secret, your friends shouldn't tell

    and if they don't respect that then they aren't good friends

  6. i know you may feel embarrased but its perfectly normal, its how our bodies work. dont worry as you get older youll become more comfortable with your body and your period won't seem so strange.

    talk about how you feel with your mom, she knows exactly how you feel.

    some great products for beginners are  those always ultra thins

    and when you get more comfortable with your body playtex slender tampons,  they dont hurt and are the thinnest tampon out there

    ( ask your mom about them)

  7. Wow, i'm so sorry for you. Don't worry, you are totally not too young. And i completly understand where you are coming from. I started mine when i was going into 6th grade and i was soo embarassed. i'm 15 now and i realize how normal it was. You'll be surprised by how many girls will start soon or have already started. I know that the pads can be uncomfortable but after a while you'll be able to swtich to tampons which will be weird at first but then you'll love them! Also, dont worry about your secret getting out. No one should judge you for it because it is totally natural. All it means is you will get b***s before they do. You might get some cramps and if you do just take some advil. Also, you might notice that you eat a lot less or a lot more. (i personally never stop eating when i'm on my period) and that's totally normal, just go with it! I hope this helps you.  

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