
Help!~ I have a 15 month old who's teething and very fussy!?

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He is very fussy and especially at night. Does anyone have any tips or remedies for teething pain?




  1. When my son was around that age I gave him frozen fruit pops he loved them.

  2. Hylands teething tablets (they're all natural and usually found in natural food stores), clove oil rubbed on the gum (just a TINY bit, it's potent!!)  

    Also, I had a talk with my son's pediatrician.  I told her that he's an absolutely miserable teether.  That sometimes nothing works.  And I was to the point where I was wondering how bad liquor rubbed on the gums would be.  She said it's not bad!  She said they used to use it all the time!  So when he gets to where nothing works, I dip the tip of a wash cloth in liquor (she said whatever you have would work), and rub it on his gums.  A friend of mine said when her girls were babies she would put a piece of ice in a wash cloth and twist the bottom underneath it, securing it with a tie of some sort.  Then she would dip it into a tiny bit of whiskey and let the baby suck on it (usually before naps and bedtime).  She swears by it.  I haven't yet tried that, but I have rubbed some on his gums and it calms him down.  

    He also loves to eat watermelon slices, and then chew on the rind when he's teething.  Or I put cold grapes, or ice cubes, into those mesh feeders -- that way he can hold onto them himself.  Popsicles are good (especially the all natural, whole fruit kind), frozen bananas too.

    And of course, there's always Motrin.  When he's teething badly, I give him a dose of Motrin before bed, and some teething tablets.    

    Good luck!  I hope his teeth come in soon so everyone can get some peace!  Teething can be such a bear!

  3. they have that baby oragel stuff that's pretty safe but doesn't last long but will help. there's another one that's out and is safer (though not as strong)...can't recall the name right now though..its taken the place of oragel over the years.

    think its called humpries..something like that

    I used to watch my nephews  

  4. You need to research proper diet to correct energy patterns, otherwise anxiousness and discomfort will continue.

    We go through energy cycles througout the day and certain foods should be eaten with or without other foods and certain foods at certain times of the day.

  5. Try a cold, damp washcloth and let him chew on that. Or even your finger. Make sure that he isnt too warm or too cold too, that can just make it so much worse.

    Also, ask your doctor about what medicine is best to give him. My daughter got baby tylenol when she was teething and it helped her out a lot!

    They also have teething rings that you can put in the fridge, those work pretty well.

    I know there is something like teething biscuits, but ive never tried them. Since your baby is a little older, they may be worth looking into.

    Theres baby Orajel too, Ive never used it though.. it just makes me uncomfortable.  =/

    Good luck!!

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