
Help I have a 3 year old that has major temper tantrums

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I am just looking for a little bit of advice on my 3 year old. Lately, if he does not get his way he throws a huge screaming, crying fit. I try to put him in his bedroom until he cools off but, he ends up coming right back out.

What really sucks is he is the best little boy when dad comes home, to where my husband is looking at me like what's the problem. No less we are going to have another baby here any day now. Let me know, I will appreciate it. Thanks




  1. Consistency, consistency, consistency! If he comes out put him right back in.That way he knows he is not going to get away with it. I know it is hard especially with being 9 months pregnant. But trust me you want to nip it in the butt before the other one comes or you will have both of them doing it.  

  2. Looks like he thinks he can control everything.

    You need to show him who is boss. Find the reason to why he is doing what he is doing. If he throws a fit because he cant have somethin he wants, then say that you dont care. Put him in his room and close the door with a lock. Let him let it all out.

    Do not ever give in. You dont actually need to spank him. You can threaten to. It should scare him enough if he has ever gotten one.

    You need to relax with a baby on your way.

  3. the only way to deal with a tantrum is to ignore it. DO NOT give him any attention, not even to yell at him.  it's not necessary to put him in his room, just pretend he's not in the room.  look past him, carry on doing what you're doing, IGNORE HIM.  if he makes a mess or throws stuff down, leave it until the tantrum is over, then clean up.

    it's tough at first, but this method really works.  tantrums are only to get attention from his mommy.  take away the attention, and the tantrums will go away, too.

    good luck.

  4. Your son knows that the winds are a changin'...that is, he's fully aware of the baby coming whether you think he is or not. Furthermore...he's three. Totally normal...still annoying but the tantrums are normal.

    I have a three year old who is also in the tantrum phase (although I could argue it's her personality and not just a stage but that's a post for another question) and we also do the send her to her room thing and she's like a jack-in-the-box boucing out of her room too. We continue to unemtionally return her to her room until the tantrum stops and she's ready to come out. As someone else pointed out this can be an attention seeking thing so that's why you go with the unemotional (no yelling, no coddling, etc.) quiet return to his room. Eventually he will learn that this is not the way to get what he wants and he'll have to calm down and use his words to express his displeasure with a situation.

    Best of luck to you with your son and the new baby!

  5. A baby any day now. Let Daddy keep him. You have enough on your plate.  

  6. spank the c**p out of me it will teach him a lesson.

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