
Help! I have a Verizon Wireless repossession on my credit report. Is it possible to get this removed? ?

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Almost a year ago, I canceled my account with Verizon Wireless. I thought that I was caught up in my payments with them, but I was not. Apparently they had been sending bills to my old address and none of them ever got forwarded to my current address. They told me that they don't forward mail b/c it has too much confidentail information on it.

Anyway, the $350 bill went to collections, the collections couldn't find me and it went back to Verizon. They still couldn't find me and finally the NCO collections company sent me a bill for $350 + $95. I was looking at my credit report and I have a charge off and repossession for this bill. I am currently paying the bill in payments, but I do not want a repossession on my credit report. Help!

Will this repossession be taken off after I pay the bill or will it stay on for 7 years? Is there anyway that I can get it off my credit report? Also, I don't understand why this is a repossession, when nothing was physically taken from me. Verizon is a very difficult company to deal with. Please help me with any suggesstions. Thanks.




  1. Agree to settle the outstanding debt in return for they're removing the item on your report or changing it to a disputed balance.

  2. get a PFD letter from collections. They should give you one.

  3. it will stay on your report .. you can try to fix the report by calling the credit agency.. the defaulted account will show active status and that you have been paying on it so even though it is on your account it won't be AS bad as if you didn't pay

  4. If you're worried about your credit report you can check it for free on this site..

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