
Help! I have a dying...possibly DEAD plant...

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I think the plant is a bush's my Grandmother's, who's away on vacation. I thought the sprinklers would adequately water the plant, but I looked at it a couple days ago, and the poor plant is totally dried up...brown with dead, shriveled up leaves and dead flowers...I have been watering it a ton, hoping to save it. Is there any chance for reviving it? Does anyone have any tips for saving it? It's not that big of a deal...I would just hate for her to come home and see a dead plant...I could go buy another one...but I was hoping to try and save it first...then if all else fails, I will go buy another one...thanks for whatever help you can offer!!




  1. If a plant is in distress do not feed it.  I would cut it off at the root and let it regenerate.

    If it is a perennial daisy they bloom and then the plants looks awful and wilts away then the next year they come back strong as ever.  In fact I just gave away a truckload.

  2. 1. Is this plant fed plant food ( if not try using some but very little is better- read directions).

    2. Is it actually getting enough sunshine...overhang blocking the sun?

    3. Is it possible you went from one extreme to the other...from lack of water to over watered? Both conditions are not good so poke your finger about an inch into the soil at the base. If it is moist at this point then do not water any more at this time..

    4. Is it possible this plant fell victim to some " Plant Disease" there are products out htere, get a good digital photo of the plant and its dried out state ( leaves) to show to the person where you shop.  

  3. There maybe other types of daisy that I'm not aware of, but I don't think this is something to stress over. I've had one over time. I've abused it and loved it both from year to year. If I abused it, it turned brown like you say above. When I loved it, it stayed green longer, but eventually brown/dead. Either way, with some water it always has come back. Hope this helps.  

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