
Help! I have a lot of questions about ducks!?

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First of all my ducks are mallard and are currently 3 1/2 weeks old.

what to do with them in the winter?

What do i do when they start flying?

Do they need any shots?

Should i ever bring them to a vet?

Are they illegal to own in Western New York?

How big of a pen should i use?

Last but not least, should i ever feed them fish, maybe minos?

I would greatly appreachiate your answers.

Thank you, and sorry about all the questions.




  1. find yourself another duck-raiser in your county they could

    help you with all the stuff you'll need to know

  2. 1. What to do in winter:

    Just make sure you build them a secure pen with a covered area. It should be enclosed on three sides with a roof. This should keep them warm enough.

    2. When they start flying, just trim their wings. Look it up on the internet if you are uncomfortable, but its simple. Just take some scissors and cut about a half inch or so off the tips. If they can still fly, take a tiny bit more. Just be careful to to cut down really far and hit the blood vessels and blood feathers.

    3. There is really no need to bring them to the vet unless the start acting strange or are sick. I have raised ducks for 5 years, even a mentally and physically handicapped duck and they do just fine without a vet visit. Plus, its hard to find a vet who will handle them. Most classify them as wildlife and won't treat them. I live in rural Kentucky and even here they won't do it.

    4. Illegal?

    That is something you should have looked up before you got them. Call your local courthouse and find out.

    5. Minnows?

    You can, but they really like veggies and thats much easier to feed them. The love lots of greens, tomatoes, and fruit.

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