
Help! I have a rapidly growing orange paper like fungus growing on the carpet in my caravan, please help...?

by  |  earlier

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It started off looking like someone had spilt orange juice on the carpet, untill a closer look and it was like a orange paper and it just keeps coming back and spreading more




  1. my condolences, we lost a van to that once.

  2. Your carpet must have gotten wet and hasn't dried out properly.  You need to clean it good and dry it out.  You mat get by with a hair drier if it's just damp, but you may need to remove the carpet.

  3. Its a wet slime mold

    u need to clean it with Petrol (gasoline) - the affected area + at least one foot around--vacuum it well--and sundry it.

    If petrol is likely to react with the colors, u may try Kerosene, spirit or some other such solvent.

    If it can not be put in sun, blow dry it with a warm air blower(hair dryer/ vacuum cleaner??)

  4. you have got damp  the only way is to get the van checked with a damp meter on the floor  a local caravan repair will do it you will need a new carpet as well i wouldnt bother cleaning it once fungus has been there check under the seats etc as well

  5. Sounds like one of the slime molds.  Get things dried out.

  6. you need to take it out wash and disinfect it and dry it

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