
Help I have another question about hamsters?

by Guest63827  |  earlier

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Ok, well my hamster Leon ran away and he was only gone since 10:00 in the morning and we found him at 9:00 at night. And over the past days since hes been lost he feels very heavy he looks very normal but super heavy. I think he might have ate something when he was lost. Do you think he did?




  1. You sure hes a dude? (I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.)

  2. take him to the vets. afterwards, get a secure hamster cage  

  3. It is likely. Hamsters get up to no good when the escape and eat what ever they find.

    In case you think he is acting strange, take him to the vet to have his X-Ray done (if you have enough money) because he might have swallowed some carpet or a couple of staples...

  4. Unlike humans, hamsters do NOT over eat.

    So overeating is not the issue.

    However, I did have a friend who fed his hamster digestive biscuits - and because it had so much fat and sugar in the biscuits, the hamster caused a considerable amount of weight gain.

    Hamsters will also normally only store their food in their cheeks, then spit it back out, then rummage around and eat their favourites. So if you didn't feel anything in his cheeks, then he probably hasn't stored it..

    Finally, as the first poster said, they *could* be pregnant.

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