
Help I have ants!!!?

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My kitchen is like filled with ants do you know iny good way to get rid of them!!!I cant put iny thang on the ground becuse i have a dog and a cat!!pleas help!!!!




  1. mosquito repellent:

    We live in Ashcroft BC and are not usually bothered by mosquitoes except in the late spring. I have found that squeezing a piece of lemon or orange peel and rubbing it on my skin works when nothing else is handy.

    Catnip is a natural repellent to cockroaches. The active ingredient is nepetalactone, which is non-toxic to humans and pets. Small sachets of catnip can be left in areas of cockroach activity. Catnip can also be simmered in a small amount of water to make a "catnip tea" which can be used as a spray to apply around baseboards and behind counters.

    Ant repellents

    The first line of defense is to remove the attractants: keep counters free of crumbs and sticky spots. Cover the sugar and put the honey jar in a plastic baggie. Cut off water sources such as drips or dishes left soaking overnight. If the ant invaders persist, try these simple measures:

    Keep a small spray bottle handy, and spray the ants with a bit of soapy water.

    Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where the ants seem most active. Dry, crushed mint leaves or cloves also work as ant deterrents. Trace the ant column back to their point of entry.

    Set any of the following items at the entry area in a small line, which ants will not cross: cayenne pepper, citrus oil (can be soaked into a piece of string), lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds.

    Ants on the deck? Slip a few cut up cloves of garlic between the cracks.

    Repellent plants

    Catnip, peppermint, sage, and spearmint. plant mint around the house, or get potted plants and place them where needed. ANTS HATE MINT!!

    Ants will not walk through a line of talcum powder or chalk dust. Sprinke talc or chalk

    Dust in paths the ants are entering in.


    1 or 2 cups of grits

    I am from South Georgia, and in the South we have "fire ants." You could go out and buy expensive ant killers but they are very harmful to children and pets. Instead this method works great. All you need is something you may have in your kitchen: Grits. just take (1 or 2 Cups) of GRITS, and sprinkle them around the ants mound in the yard. When ants see food, they immediately tell everyone in the colony and then start working to feed the colony. An ant's body is made almost entirely of water. Grits are food that soak up water. When an ant eats these grits, his body gets all the water soaked up out of his little body and dies. This is a much better alternative to getting rid of ants in your yard than wasting money on expensive bags of ant killer or bills from your local pest control.

    sprinkle nutrasweet where the ants are and they will take it back to the queen. it will kill the entire colony quickly. wonder what it does to us

  2. Ant traps.  Put them in windowsills and on counters.

    Had the same problem  Took a couple of weeks to get rid of them.  I have 5 cats and 4 dogs----- they didn't bother them.

  3. Lay out cucumber peelings all over the floor and wherever the infestation is. Ants hate cucumbers. They will go away and this is safe and it really works!

  4. i think the product is called terro.  it's a liquid you put on a small piece of cardboard, (out of pets reach).  the ants come and feed, take it back to their home and kill them too, works great.  you can also put down a border of pepper to keep them out of an area, burns their little feet.

  5. Since you have pets in the house, i suggest making your own home made remedy from regular household product...
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