
Help I have been drinking loads all afternoon.?

by  |  earlier

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I have been drinking wine all afternoon I felt dizzy and had a spining head so I had a rest and a lie down and I felt much better but now I just had a drink of Cold fizzy water and I keep burping and each time I burp it feels like I'm going to be sick but a like watery sick. =(!




  1. wow i can't beleive you can even type on the computer. stop drinking and just calm down. go lay lown and watch tv and no more drinking. dont go out side of the house either.

  2. dude.. its called a hangover.... lol

  3. water makes you druk longer, try some fruit juices they should help you detox.... hope you feel better and next time take it slow and easy mate!

  4. ew..go to sexaholics anonymous

  5. stop drinking

  6. You're NOT drunk. You're having an allergic reaction to the alcohol. Tomorrow the allergy will cause a headache. You should call in sick to work tomorrow and let them know this allergy is beating you up.

  7. oh man..... yesterday i was at a picnic  and i had waaaaay to much to drink, by the time i got home i was already starting to have REALY bad headachs , plus the humidity and heat did not help at all... so what i did was take a nap... had lots of water and took like 3 motrin,my head still hurt me but in this case you gotta just walk it offf...i iwsh they made medicin for hangovers

  8. stop drinking


    its not that complicated.

  9. I was always told to drink black coffee whenever I drink to much. Hope you feel better.

  10. Is there a question??????

  11. better to get it out then to feel like c**p from wine.


  13. okays this is what u got to do

    eat a FULL HEALTHY meal (e.i. home cooked meal)

    stop drinking (e.i. water, wine, beer, pop etc.) crunch your thrust by eating fruits

    i think u feel this way because u just drank too much water u need a break from the fluids

  14. Puke already!

  15. Yes! You were probably drunk. Don't do that! That's wrong and trashy!

  16. i know lots of times people wish they wouldn't get sick...but you actually feel alot better after you blow chunks.

  17. Well, first of all, it's okay to puke if you feel like it. No big deal. It will help your system to relax a lot to just let go like that. What's happening is that you are finding out your tolerance for alcohol. We all experiment with it, and people like me find that they can't handle it so they quit like I did in 1987.

    I did some pretty stoopid stuff while drunk. I climbed up the drain pipe alongside a local gigantic Catholic church and got into the sanctuary late at night, didn't do any damage, but I got caught and had to spend a night in jail and pay a $75 fine and I felt like the village idiot the next day - things like that. Not too bright.

    I don't miss the night sweats. I don't miss the hangovers. I don't miss being isolated from society. I have more money in my pocket because it isn't being spent for alcohol.

    I hope you come to your senses quicker than I did and quit sooner, like tomorrow, if you can handle it.

  18. Its called... you're drunk go to the hospital

  19. go ahead a puke and get it over with

  20. cause ur probably gonna throw up n then ull feel all better :)

  21. lucky you what you trying to do make me jealous? cause it worked! thats when you know youv had a good night!

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