
Help? I have hanging baskets of petunias and there looking bad?

by Guest65736  |  earlier

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i sprinkle them every day with water and every other day water water them any ways there in direct sun says on the card with them that they are made for direct sun and it usually gets to 90 etc in georgia so yeah any tips to making them look better? like they did when I first bought them?




  1. you are watering too much. If you water them thouroughly (until water comes out of the bottom of the pot) - wait swveral days then stick a pencil into the soil if it has soil on it when you take it out then it doesn't need to be watered.  I water mine once a week and that seems to do the trick

  2. when do you water them?

    you should never water them when the sun is shining on them as they will burn.  make sure you do it either first thing in morning or last thing at night.  and get some miracle grow.

  3. There are a couple of things to try.  Since they are hanging plants, the water usually  leaks all the way through.  Water them daily, however never water them in the heat of the day, water them when sun goes down or early morning.  Use miracle grow once a month.  When watering hanging pots the rule of thumb is water them twice, by that  I mean, water them and let the pot leak ,then when it stops water it again until it leaks.  This will insure the soil is soaked all the way through.

    Plants that are hanging and in the full sun need daily watering.

    But if you water in the heat of the day they will burn.

  4. petunias do not like to be wet on the flower , they will bruise and wilt, just water the soil in the morning  ,but make sure that there is a good drainage otherwise they will drown in too much water.

    Feed them with Miracle Grow once a week.

  5. I have hanging baskets of petunias, too.  I dead head them almost daily, making sure I take the sort little stem of the blossom, so that it doesn;t form a seed head inside the little green "skirt" that is at the base of the blossom. When they start going to seed, they stop blooming. I also trim back any thin, puny looking sections.  I water daily, trying to soak the soil ball as much as possible.  I've also taken them to the kitchen and put them in the sink for a good soak during very hot, dry weeks.  Another thing I do is mix up Miracle Grow for better blooms at half strength, and use that about twice a week.  Petunias get scraggly, so you might need to do some judicious pruning to get it looking good again.  Once you trim, it might take a couple of weeks for them to "snap out of it"

    after pruning.  Don't worry, petunias want to bloom, so they will look good again.

    Good Luck!

  6. watering in the morning is usually better, water until the water comes out the bottom of pot, if they get too much water and not much sun they sometimes will turn brown like mine have a couple of times&also stop blooming, each day you can also pinch at least one flower off each plant and this can help to get more blooms(same goes for pansies&most other flowering plants annual or perennial)..after I did this I did have a bit better looking plant with more blooms.  You can pinch a flower that's already open on the plant or pinch one off that isn't completely open yet. It also helps the sun to get to the buds below the ones that are already flowering. I hope this helps..I love petunia's because they can attract hummingbirds...but I have the same problem you's worth trying anything in your answers here. Good luck

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