
Help! I have no father of the bride??

by Guest33995  |  earlier

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Hi, i'm not getting married, just yet! BUT when the time comes, i'm not going to have my father there to walk me down the aisle. Him and my mother broke up when i was 4 (dreadful circumstances) and i havent seen him since. I dont want to meet up with him just for the occasion or anything, so thats out of the question.

Has anyone here went down the aisle without their father? Who did you have instead? I've been dreadin it for ages :(





  1. Your husband's relatives aren't the issue. If they ask your future in laws, they will be told that your dad isn't in your life any more and that will be the end of it. Do you have a favorite uncle, or only one grandfather who is living? If not, has there been a man in your life who has been supportive? A step father, a brother, etc? If not, then it's perfectly okay to walk down the aisle alone. It's done all the time so it's not a bad thing.  

  2. Honey, you don't have to worry about all this.Many women ask a brother, grandfather or even their mother to walk down the aisle with them. You just walk down the aisle and then the other person sits down and you marry your husband. Simple. Stop fretting.

  3. no one matters on your wedding day but you and your husband to be, so dont worry what people think, as long as you are happy and comfy with the person walkin you down the aisle that is all that matters!!

    no it isnt weird, i know plenty of people who got, grand fathers, uncles, cousins, even friends to walk them down the ailse, they all had there own reasons like you. just make sure the person is someone who is close to you...sort of a father figure or someone protective of you!

  4. You could walk with anyone. Even your mum if you like. Pick someone close to you.

  5. You can have whoever you wish hon. Although my Dad had passed away 17 years ago I felt the same. I was lucky enough to have a stepdad who I adore, but would have picked my son, sister, uncle or best mate if not

  6. Whoever you feel closest to. It's your wedding and you want it to be special. You could even have your mother walk you down the aisle. I have been to some weddings were both parents walk the bride down the aisle, so if they can do that why couldn't you just have your mom.

    Also who cares what his family thinks about you. If the one thing they are focusing on is the fact that you don't have a father then they are pathetic not you!

  7. No it's not weird at all i have been to a lot of weddings where it wasn't the father walking the bride down the aisle some brides had their son, best friend or etc.... walk them down their wedding i suggest that you choose some one who's been like a father figure to you. And it's okay why care what people think it's your wedding all that matters is that your happy and so is your future husband Good luck.

  8. Many brides have their mother to walk them down.  Or a brother or uncle.

  9. I had a friend whose father died died when she was very young, and she had her mother walk her down the aisle. It was very sweet and meaningful, because it had always just been the 2 of them. I thought that it was very special. don't worry about what other people think, because what is important is that those moments walking down the aisle are special to you.

    Good luck and Congratulations!

  10. I would say walk down the aisle by yourself, you don't have to have someone give you away, if you really want and you are really close to your mom have her walk you down and give you away. Its not about the father its about the you and your hubby to be, the person walking you down is the one to give you away, but you don't have to have anyone do it either, make it unique. I got walked down the aisle by both my really father and my stepfather, it was different, but everyone loved it.  

  11. Why not have your mother walk you down the aisle?  That is what my friend who's father lives out of the country did.  No one gave a second thought to it.  You can always skip the father-daughter dance, or dance with your mother or a brother or close family member.

  12. a close uncle or a close cousin or have ur mom walk u down its all about the intimate person u care for enuff to make this day special 4 u!

  13. You can have whomever you feel is the closest male figure in your life walk you down the aisle (brother, uncle, grandfather, etc), your mother or walk by yourself.  

  14. you can walk down the aisle with ...

    1) your mom

    2) your FH

    3) by yourself

    4) a father figure? if you have one like an uncle, grandad etc  

  15. I think you're fixated on the wrong aspect of the situation. People will always whisper for various reasons about you- wedding or not. But the greater focus should not be on who's walking you down the aisle, but more on the guy you'd be marrying. Once it gets to that point when you KNOW the guy who asked you will actually be there when you get to the end of the aisle, that's more important than his distant relatives making a big stink of a common factor.

    My aunt Daltren was married about 5 years ago and didn't have her father- he died when she was a little girl. Instead, she had her oldest son bring her down the aisle. It was very beautiful and no one thought anything about it. I think you should ask someone you respect to take you if it's that important. h**l, if I actually have a wedding, I'm asking my mom! Traditional is boring! Why not have people talk more about how different yours was, if you want to direct the focus of conversations?

  16. You could have a brother walk you down the aisle, or a close friend.  You could have just about anyone you want walk with you.

  17. if you don't want your mum or a male relative or close friend to do it then how about you start down the aisle on your own and your groom comes up to meet you half way?  we've seen this done and it is so sweet and romantic and cute that it has everyone ohhing and ahhing!  honestly it does.  

    he would meet you, take your hand folding your arm into his and the two of you would walk the rest of the way together!   its absolutely charming and sweet! good luck hun and happy wedding!

  18. The point of walking the bride down the aisle is to pass her from the father's care to the new husband's care.  So, who do you feel is the one whose care your new husband will take over for?  If your mother is the one who raised you and you feel very close to her, I think it would be most appropriate to have her walk you down the aisle.  Both of my parents are still here, but I feel that my mother raised me more than my father did, and my mom thinks it would be a very special moment if she could walk me down the aisle, so I will probably have both my mother and father walk with me.  Don't worry about what others will think when you make this decision; it's YOUR wedding and your special moment!

    A more traditional approach would be to have a brother or close uncle or other close father-figure walk you down the aisle, but I think it might not be as memorable or fitting.

    It's also not unheard of for a bride to walk alone these days.  It's all up to you really!

  19. I'm having the same problem myself. My biological father commited suicide about 2 years ago, but I wasnt very close to him my whole life. The man my mom married when I was about 2 was always my "Dad" to me but we had a falling out when I was 16. Here I am at 20 and trying to plan my wedding and I have no one to walk me down the aisle to give me away... I called my dads mother to ask her if she would tell him I was getting married and that I wanted him to give me away, but I dont think he will do it.

    I personally am thinking about asking my older brother, that or my uncle or my moms first husband who I am kinda close to (she got married a lot lol)

    I dont think it matters who gives you away. As long as its someone that you are close to.. Dont think they have to really be "family" as long as you see them as such it shouldnt matter what anyone else thinks :-)

  20. My dad passed away two years before I got married, so I had to deal with this.

    There are lots of options - have your mom, a brother, or close relative escort you, or you could walk alone.

    Or, what my husband and I did - we walked up the aisle together, and it was wonderful! We had the attendants walk in as couples before us.

    For the dance, I had my older brother dance with me - but were I to do it over, I just would have skipped that.

  21. I am in the same position as you although my dad never left my mum, he died in 1998.

    My brother in law is giving me away.

    Why not ask your mum to do it, its perfectly natural you would want someone close to you to do this and you mum as been there for you all your  life.

    Good luck, - whenever you decide to get married that is lol.

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