
Help ! I have psoriassis any natural treatments that work ?

by Guest60171  |  earlier

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I have it on my knees,elbows,hands,back and other places

I want natural remedies - I know the sun helps clear it up but i just cant be in the sun every day, what about salt baths ? selinium- also have it on my nails and scalp

pretty girl with ugly skin




  1. there's a website called

    they have an herbal supplement called Psoricaid that helps with psoriasis.

  2. My herbal drink works for psoriasis.  You just have to drink 5-8 glasses of it per day.  Your skin will be back to normal within a month.

  3. Treament of Pso.. is possible in Homoeopathy.

    I am taking treatment from Dr Harsh Nigam , Kanpur for the same problem.

    Do not go with alopathy treatment.

    Otherwise Anti cancer tablet will damage ur kidney.

    Contact no Dr Harsh Nigam -98390-86629

    I am and feeling well since 2000.

    E-mail :

    - Anupam Singh - 9450339469 Kanpur

  4. I have a similar problem, and I have been going to a naturopathic doctor. Most of the time, skin inflammations are caused by intolerance of the food your are eating. When you eat main allergens such as wheat, rice, and soy, notice whether your skin flares up or not. A naturopathic doctor can greatly help with any problem you have by working from the inside out (healing your gut which then heals your skin). I would also try applying shea butter. It works well for me.

    I'm not so sure about the sun clearing things up because I have been told to only get about 15 minutes of sun a day (for vitamin D). You may want to take blood tests to find out whether you are allergic to any foods or environment  factors.

    Good Luck!

  5. Suggest all natural GLA Complex and Optiflora.

    Internally treat with Optiflora - Often times when something is going on inside our bodies it will manifest itself to the outside in a form such as psoriasis.  Optiflora is a two-product system which includes Probiotic (Bifidus & Acidophilus...microflora) + Prebiotic ( source for microflora).  It guarantees delivery of 500 million live microflora to the intestines.  Other products simply guarantee live microflora at the time of manufacture.

    GLA Complex is important for all skin disorders.

  6. Hey mamamia !!!

    I have a book here called "1,801 Home remedies" & I will write down everything that it says in here about it & I hope that it will help U in some way, okay !!!  So here we go.....


    - There R good days & there R bad days & if U're trouble with psoriasis, U know the diffrence all 2 well.  On the good days, U hardly need 2 pay attention 2 what U're skin's doing.  On the bad 1's, red itchy patches R crying for attention so here R ways 2 make good days better & the bad more bearable.

    See the Light:

    - Sunlight is an exellent remedy for psoriasis.  Every day, spend 15 to 30 minutes in the sun & U should see results in less than 6 weeks.  While doctors don't have full explanation, research show that sunlight decreases the activity of the skin's T cells.  These specialized cells produce substances called cytokines which initiate a cycle of inflamation.  When U expose T cells 2 sunlight, it quells their action, breakingthe cycle.

    - Protect yourself from burning by wearing sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 on healthy areas of skin.

    Go Skin Dipping:

    - Take a good long soak in warm water, then add some vegetable oil.  Here's why:

    - a long bath can soften scaly patches & smoothe itching, but bathing can also dry U're skin & make itching worse so sit in the tub for about 10 minutes, letting U're skin get thoroughly soaked, but 5 minutes before U get out, add a few spoonfull of vegetable oil.  That's all it takes 2 seal the water into U're skin.  (be careful getting out of the tub because the oil will make the tub slippery)

    - 2 relieve itching, try a cool-water bath, adding vinegar 2 the bathwater.  Many people find that vinegar helps psoriasis even though doctors aren't sure why.  What's known is that acetic acid in vinegar kills bacteria & 1 theory holds that psoriasis is made worse bt bacteria.

    - Fine-ground oatmeal is another good ingredient for itch relief.  U can sprinkle in an oatmeal product specially made for bathing such as Aveeno or put unflavored oatmeal in a blender, grind it until it turns into a fine powder & then just sprinkle it in the water.

    Don Another Layer:

    - After bathing, spread on a moisturizing cream 2 lock in U're skin's natural moisture.  Make sure 2 add a thick layer 2 the psoriasis patches.  This helps prevent cracking.  Avoid liquidlotions which dry up 2 quickly & instead choose a heavy cream or ointment.  Among the best R Lacticare or Amlactin, which contain lactic acid 2 prevent skin from drying out or Dermal Therapy which contains urea 2 help loosen scales.

    - Try Bag Balm, a product originallly designed for use on cow's udders.  It's gained a reputation for soothing dry, cracked skin.  look for it in farm-supply or pharmacies.

    - Try cream that contains chamomile, if U can find 1.  This plant has a long-held reputation for reducing inflamation & soothing flaky skin.

    - Rub a few drops of tea-tree oil into U're psoriasis patches several times a day.  This Australian remedy is useful for relieving itch & softening psoriasis patches, especially if U have mild case.  However, some people have an allergic reaction 2 tee-tree oil so be sure 2 test it on a small patch of skin & also, the skin covered with tea-tree oil may have increased sensitivity 2 sunlight.

    - 2 soften the skin & remove scaly patches, U can also use pretoleum jelly.  Apply it as often as necessary.

    Get Oiled:

    - Mix a teaspoon of flaxseed oil into U're cerial, yogurt or other food each day.  

    - This isn't for flavoring, it's for U're psoriasis.  Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids & these compounds helps 2 block a chemical in U're body called arachidonic acid which causes inflamation.

    - Oily fish R also high in omega-3's.  If U like salmon, it's a good idear 2 have it at least once a week.  Other fish that R high in omega 3's R sardines & mackerel.

    - U can also get fatty acids by taking 1,000 milligrams of fish oil 3 times a day.  Remember that a large amount of fish oil can thin the blood, so make sure 2 check with U're doctor first if it's okay.

    Okay I can't write anymore cause theirs like 2 more pages lol, but I really hope that this gives U an idear on how to treat it so GOOD LUCK.

    U're pal;


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