
Help. I have to go to a concert with my mom.?

by  |  earlier

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Hello. My mom is letting me go to a Paramore concert.

But only if she can go. I even have 2 friends going.

But she still wont let me go without her.

What do I do? Will I be the only one with my mom?

Will there be somewhere for her to sit or something?




  1. She will probably see you are trustworthy after this, and let you go alone to other concerts. I know it kinda sucks, going to a concert with your mom, but it will probably be the only time

  2. everyone likes paramore. thats why she wants to go.

  3. Oh, chill out.  At least she's willing to go with you, and just not saying, "No, you can't go, and I can't stand the music, so I'm not going, either."

    You will NOT be the only one there with a mom.  Depending on the concert venue, she can either elect to sit in the back or on the side, if it's open seating.  Or the seats may be assigned, and she's sitting with you.  

    Make the best of it -- she might surprise you and actually be good company, especially if she likes music.

  4. No one cares if your mom is with you.

    I've gone to plenty of concerts with my mom and it was no problem. We didnt sit together or anything. She was just there in case anything happened. I had pit she had seats. And yes there will be tons of other moms there. Don't worry about it and just have fun :)

  5. WHAT DO YOU SEE WRONG WITH YOUR MOM GOING TO THE CONCERT WITH YOU!!!!!! She is your Mother, and at least you get to go. Show her that you love her and appreciate her company, she is just trying to protect you and wants to know what kind of places and people you are surrounding yourself with.  Show her you can be an adult about the whole thing and maybe she will let you on your own soon.  Because the more she sees that you dont want her around the more she will think you want to do bad things.  I think it is nice of her to leave all her own occupations behind and want to be with shows she cares and loves you.....CONSIDER YOURSELF VERY LUCKY......some parents don't care about their kids, they even abandon them.

  6. Spend some time with your mom.  Dont be embarrased if your mom wants to spend sometime with you. When you become a mom someday you will understand what I am saying and understand why your mom wants to go with you.

  7. naww

    most people dont even notice it

    ive been to concerts with my mom before

    no one cares

    go and then she'll probably trust u more

    and then next time u can go alone (:

  8. I know the feeling.

    I'm almost 16 and my mom STILL won't let me go to concerts without her.

    Every single concert I go to, she either has to be with me at all times or I can't go.

    When I go to the Warped Tour every year, it's extremely annoying.. She walks too slow and I end up missing a ton of stuff.

    You won't be the only one there with your mom though, and at least she's letting you bring friends. Usually my mom won't let me bring friends either.

    I guess you could try talking to her, ask her why she won't let you go without her.

  9. Whats wrong with your mom going with you?

    Trust me you won't be the only kid their with their mother some teens don't consider their parents to be embarrassing.

    And seriously at a concert it not like anybody will be paying any attention to you or your mom they are more likely to watch Paramore considering thats what they payed for

  10. Yeah, at a Paramore concert (their band ROCKS), you are probably going to be one of very few teens who will be there with a parent.  I feel really bad for you.  Just do your chores before she asks you to and act responsible.  She might see that you are responsible and trustworthy enough to go with your friends.

  11. no, you won't be the only one there with a mom. my friend's parents came to see nickelback with us last year. we actually all had a really good time.

  12. How old are you ?

    If you are 12+  then you should be able to go yourself.

  13. I guarantee you that you won't be the only one there with your mother. Even if you were, you would be surrounded by complete strangers who won't care.

    She's going to be sitting with you, of course. They don't have a Parent's Lounge at these things.

    I'm surprised that a kid in school doesn't recognize a test when she sees one. This is a test. Your score will determine how soon you'll be allowed to go to concerts without your mother. Be grateful she's letting you go at all, and be nice to her during the concert.

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