
Help! I lost a tennis match today and I have to play my next one wearing a tennis skirt?

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Well as the question indicates I lost a tennis match today. I was playing with a friend of mine, and since I lost, I lost my bet, and I have to play my next match with my friend while wearing a tennis skirt. Is it true that tennis skirts go up a lot in the wind? My friend told me that she has a pleated tennis skirt for me to wear, and I have been told those skirts go up all the time in the wind, but I am not sure if that is true. Also, what is best to wear under a tennis skirt?





  2. Chill, they don't ride up or blow up in the breeze, and if they didi why would we wear them? And you can always wear shorts underneath.

  3. First word- think carefully next time about your bets!

    Anyway, don't worry about the wind. Um.. wear some shades nobody can see through. good luck!

  4. I have played tennis since I was 2 and the truth is that a tennis skirt that is pleated will go up if it is windy...The best thing to wear under them is bloomers which you can find at any store that sells sports clothes.


  5. go commando.  

  6. Don't worry about the wind it feels okay and you wear shorts under them if they don't already have them under them.

  7. wear shorts.

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