
Help. I miss my ex!?

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Its been almost about a month since we broke up. Its still real hard. Every night I dream of him and the minute I wake up I think everything is okay until a few seconds later everything comes back to me and I realize that no, everything is not okay. People have told me to keep busy. Fall classes will start soon and I know I will get busier but even when I am busy.. something reminds me.. makes me feel so weak. His face would randomly pop up in my head and it feels like Im choking. His thoughts and memories of our love literally takes my breathe away for few seconds..

We can't be together, and I feel that I've already made a fool of myself for contacting him here n there. I don't want to be that fool begging for his love. I'm not a bad person. I don't have it in me to hate him to get over him either. Im bitter he's not in my life. I don't want to be so bitter. How can I be a better me, so I don't feel so unhappy that he's not in my life?




  1. By writing just what you wrote and admitting your emotions and feelings.  Ending a relationship has the same emotional loss as losing a love one.  And, it takes time to heal.  You are right you are NOT a bad person because you are doing what "normal" humans do, you are mourning a loss of someone you cared about.  You need to learn to savor the good times you had together but move on.  Sometimes love is for a moment and sometimes it is forever - enjoy that moment because some of us have never been in love or loved.......Find something to recite that has nothing to do with him if you find yourself too occupied ... he will always be a part of your memory but don't let it control what you need to do to move on to the next love of your life.  

  2. Either pursue of try to forget completely.

    Tell me how much you miss him, if is doesn't work, then try to foget him as time passes.

  3. you are in the stages of grieving. allow yourself time. you have lost a love ,but i'm sure in your life there will be others. for now be kind to yourself ,the feelings of loss will diminish in time. when you feel more comfortable you will move on and your true love will have a chance to find you. just allow yourself time  

  4. if I may ask, why you cant be together ? please e-mail me at

  5. Well, you arent the only one in that situation at all!! I've havent spoken to my ex over a month too. When he broke up with me, it was hard and its normal to feel the way you do, believe me. Everything you mentioned is what I'm going through, try not to remember all that nice stuff u 2 had, that makes you suffer. Just leave it, the more you think of him or the situation the more your making yourself suffer. And dont contact him! Have a little pride. You'll be ok! try to go out with friends and have fun BUT!! dont use any rebounds its the worst, you'll just end up hurting yourself. And yes try to be BUSY.    Hope this helps.  

  6. It takes time. My ex broke up with me not even a week ago.

    It helps me to remind myself that I'll be okay, that the sun will still shine every day, that I have family and friends that will be there for me when I feel like I can't go on.

    A month, when you stand back and look at it, really isn't that long of a time. It really takes time to feel even a little okay about things like relationships. You'll be okay. I know you have it in your heart to be okay.  

  7. huni, i miss my ex and it's been a year and some months. I still dream about him and cry. I have another boyfriend but it's still hard. Very hard. Just take it day by day... I don't know much else you can do.

  8. All you really can do is just focus on more important things in your life right now like your future and although it does take a while to get over someone who meant everything to you, but they are now apart of your past and you just have to learn how to accept that and move on to better things. eventually you will find someone new and you will learn to love even more the next have some high hopes for yourself and try to look on the bright side of everything and maybe you can overcome all that your going through at this point. Pray that you will be able to find some way to help you to just get over it all. anyways well God Bless.

  9. I'm guessing you broke up for a reason, I'd keep it that way and move on:
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