
Help!!! I need advice on talking to my mom about things???

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to the doctor because im afraid i am pregnant but i cant tell her that, how am i supposed to approach her about it




  1. You need to just tell her, don't beat around the bush, that will make things worse!

  2. If you don't feel comfortable telling your mum yet, i'd have her schedule an appointment for a physical, something you need anyway. When you get in the room with your Dr. tell her how you're feeling and she'll give you a pregnancy test. From there, i'd talk to her and she could offer some advice in how to tell your parents.

    Good luck..

  3. You need to just come right out and tell her. I'm sure she'd rather find out now than in nine months.

  4. Go to any trusted adult. If you know for sure they will tell your mom avoid them unless necessary. A grandmother, aunt, or friend's mom that won't tell your mother right away will help. They could drive you to the clinic or buy you a pregnancy test. I hope you find someone. If you have any problems email me and I will try my hardest to help.

  5. You should probably sit her down and and make her realize you want to talk about something serious. Keep calm and adult-like. Show her that although you might've made a mistake (maybe it wasn't), you're ready to take the responsibility (I hope you are). Just get to the point and tell her straight-out. Maybe you should take a pregnancy test first and see what the result of that is.

    Good luck.

  6. Well, I'd take a home pregnancy test first, if I were you, just to see if I had anything to worry about.

    If you get a positive, I recommend talking to her when she's got time (not rushing off to work, or anything like that), and just saying it like this:

    "Mom, I've got something I need to talk about with you.  I know that I'm your daughter and you love me, and I need help.  I think I'm pregnant, and I really want to go to the doctor so I can know for sure."

  7. Say things like dont be mad but im afraid that i might be pregnant and let her have her mad moment but a mom wont let her child think shes pregnant so she will take you

  8. Take the home pregnancy test first. Then no matter the outcome, it is clear that you and your mom need to sit down and have a serious conversation. If not about your upcoming pregnancy then about the fact that you are sexually active and you need something to make sure to don't have to go through this again. the Nuvaring is very nice. You don't have to remember to take a pill just put it in and take it out in 3 weeks. PLEASE talk to your mom. I bet she will be alot more understanding than you give her credit for.

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