
~~~~ Help!!! I need ideas!!!!!!~~~~~~~?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im planning my bday party at a park and I wanted to do a family relay race. Wanted to know if you have any ideas.

Please let me know asap party is this weekend.




  1. treasure hunt.

  2. Scavenger hunt

    Water balloon fight

    Lots of different races

    Obstacle course

    Capture the Flag

    Hope I helped! xx

  3. i already sent you ideas but i forgot to say what to do with the foam stuff have some kind of war with ether the foam swords noodles or marsh mellow gun.

  4. Have a relay with different kinds of clothes in shopping bags or pillow cases and see which team can have each person dress and undress the fasts.

    Water balloon toss.

    Cotton ball relay.  

    Two buckets or bowls and two spoons and cotton balls.  Each team has to carry a cotton ball one at a time from one line to another about six foot between lines, and see who can fill their bowl or bucket the fastest.

    Three legged race:  Tie one leg from two people together and have races to see who can cross over the finish line first.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Have a nice party.

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