
Help! I need tips for middle school!?

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Help me please! im starting middle school this year, and its so scary! im gonna get waaay more homework, and the gossip and yeah HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. It goes so fast--it's not really worth worrying about. Just do your best.

  2. It is not bad at all. Just make sure you are with a friend from going class to class. Highschool is wayy worse but its not bad. Just dont worry and have fun! It is much more fun than elementary school.

  3. HI! i am going to college! O_o

    so don't worry you don't have it so bad! Just make sure you make friends with people you know you can trust, Try not to get too close to some people without knowing them so well. It may be tough making friends, but it is very important to choose them wisely. Believe me, if you make good friends you will prosper in the end. As for homework, you really do need to focus on it, it may seem alot, but it needs some getting used to, thats all. You will have free time! no worries! And also for the dreaded gossip, don't mess with fire or you will get burned. Trust me, what goes around comes around, so don't  be starting anything that is not true.

    But the most important thing is to be yourself, do not act differently with different people, they will notice and it looks bad. So just have fun! and be happy you are not in college yet! tee hee, it is i who am freaking! O_O

    good luck to you!

  4. it will be fine

    here are some links to middle school tip sites:


    Good Luck

    the first week of middle school is always the hardest ( getting around, more homework) but once you get into the groove of things it will get easier.

  5. OK, first, there really isn't that much drama and gossip. For homework, there might be a little more, it's not going to kill you or anything. Sure there might be some gossip and drama, but again, is that going to kill you?

  6. ok so heres some advice.

    dont freak out just beacuse there is a lot more people and everything.

    you get so used to it!

    as long as you have your friends you will be okay.

    but once you get used to middle school you should branch out your friends.

    try and make friends in different social groups because if your friends do start drama you always have people to fall back on.

    the homework wasnt that bad at first for me it was really math that bugged me with the homework.

    the gossip is only on the bathroom wall haha. otherwise its only about people having something fake or whos going out with who.

    it really isnt that big of a deal. you will find everything in place once you get there!


  7. Being in a middle school isn't as scary as you think. Instead of staying

    in the same classroom all day your will

    have different teachers in different

    classrooms. Some of the students who

    will be at your school are the same ones you went to school with. You will

    see your friends and make new ones. The

    homework will not as overwelming as you think. Relax and enjoy the

    experience. You will have fun. Who just might like the food there better. lol

  8. well im going to be a freshmen this year, so obviously i just graduated from middle school. But the school i went to wasnt just a middle school it was grades preschool-8th. We start switching classes in 6th grade to prepare for high school. but i went to a private school. so im not sure how much different it would be. But i know going to a new school will be scary at first, But just relax, be yourself, and you'll do fine! Good luck!!!

  9. I have the same problem, and I just posted a question like that, but my case is more severe. maybe if you looked at it you will feel better.;...

  10. shouldn't be on yahoo answers at your age.  it's 13 AND UP.

  11. Hi- five, chica! Me, too! I had a lot of gossip and drama last year, but this year is gonna be da bomb!!!! I'm going to ignore the people who cause me problems, and stick with the ones that think before they speak. I am lucky to have a great group of friends who don't gossip, but if your friends do, then stick with them (if they are nice) and just ignore the gossip and refuse to participate. It might annoy them a little at first, but then they'll get over it. I mean, what's the point, right?

  12. Only worry about the things that you can control, i.e., your grades and the choosing of your new friends.  Gossip and drama can't be controlled, so why worry about it?  

  13. Chill, it's just school.  You have nothing to worry about as long as you work hard, and save time for relaxing, like do all your homework for the next week on a Friday night and you have the whole weekend to relax. As for the gossip, as long as you don't get involved in other peoples business, even if they are your friend, just be there for them and you won't find it difficult to cope with, also, if you don't spread gossip, you won't get it spread about you

    hope I helped


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