
Help! I need to correct my posture fast!

by  |  earlier

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I didn't think I had bad posture...until I saw a video of myself. I am a very small and slender person, and my neck cannot go strait up, so my head is front of my body. From the side I look like Don Knots! That's how bad it is. I was surprised, but it makes sense since I spend a lot of time on the computer and the monitor is so low. Anyway, I am going to try to sit all the way up, but what else can I do. Even if I try to walk strait I can't make my neck strait. After seeing that video of me, I just feel like trash. =(




  1. you didnt mention any pain or discomfort. you should try first to get a medical opinion because sometimes inappropriate posturing is caused by bone or muscular abnormalities, if present the body adjusts which in turn makes your posturing looks like so. maybe an x-ray of your spine/skeletal will be ordered. modify your working environment to retrain the body. also reflect on your psyche, a lively, confident personality is said to have a better up right posturing.

  2. haha, I was sorta the same way, right now I bet when you sit up streight as much as you can it feel weird, well if you keep doing that, in like a year it will feel natureal and youll automaticly do it.

  3. do neck exercises.front back side to side.

  4. omg i have the exact same problem, but im guessing mine is worse. people tell me im hunchback and theres a little spine bone sticking out on my back LOL. im sad but im trying to sit striaghter. my side shots always look horrible

  5. See an Orthopedic MD  who will reccommernt specific type of Physical Therapy for you (.Your MD can tell you who she /he reccommends.)

    It should be free on you Health  Insurance Plan.and the results will be very positive for you.and helpful and maintainable!

    They will also help you with proper  seating                                     ajustments specifically for you  and  with good every day  posture to prevent further problems

    Of course we always want the FAST answer !.It is of course to  sit up straight! and ajust your seat but you will still have WEAK posture as you can see it already standing or sitting properly.

    However -The BEST answer is to re-educate and strengthen your  muscle Groups  for permanentt results!

    It doesnt take long but it takes commitment!

    Do you have that????

    Good Luck!

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