
Help! I need to plan an office party in just a few days.?

by  |  earlier

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I need to plan a small networking social for an executive office suite. I need ideas for themes, games, food and drink to get people talking. This is going to be a monthly affair but the first one just snuck up on me and I'm at a loss. I have some ideas but suggesetions would be greatly appreciated.





  1. Get together with a reliable caterer to help take the food and drink portion off your plate.

    I recently hosted a game of trivia at a work event, where the answers were multiple choice and folks were split up into teams (I didn't let them pick their teams for fear that the same ol' people would clump together, so I randomized the seating and made each table a team) where they decided together what the answers were. They would hold up a card with A, B, C or D on it when the time came to submit answers. I did a 3 strikes you're out system to eliminate incorrect teams.

    Another good one might be Apples to Apples (game you can purchase at the store). Also, some people like those games where each person has a celebrity's name on their back and you have to figure out who you are by asking people yes/no questions.

  2. well at my office we are having a St. Pat Easter party. It's a pot luck and the co worker bring in a side dish and other food. There is a egg hunt inside the office, mazes that people can do on their desk, coloring eggs (lephericans) and other goofy kids stuff. plus we can sit and talk to each other

  3. do like a lil hawian theme get sum of the cheap flowers on the necklaces and cover the table in them...not hard look at party city...u dont want sprinkes or anything to messy

    have lots of food on a stick so they can grab and walk/talk not as messy.....maybe a few balloons charis a chocolate fountain sum music and just have fun walk around talk have lots of drinks lots of water sprite coke and diet coke and myabe juice ur not sure what ppl like have meats...trys of food u dont want anything heavy like big big meals

  4. I guess spin the bottle wouldn't be appropriate.  Seriously, I remember the game "Two Truths & A Lie" from my corporate party days.  Each person writes down three things about themselves that their coworkers probably don't know.  Two of the statements are true.  One is a lie.  You go around the room and have each person read their statements out loud.  The coworkers then try to guess which item is the lie.

    You could also divide the group into teams (perhaps teams of two or three depending upon how many people are present) and have them compete in an office trivia game.  It would be similar to a pub quiz except using trivia about your office.

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