
Help I need to write about speech about donating, as in giving money for charity, and other things.?

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Help I need to write about speech about donating, as in giving money for charity, and other things.?




  1. I second Teresa's excellent response, and would like to add that a few phone calls could net you additional material for your speech. For instance, the animal shelter wants your ratty & threadbare towels and sheets. The battered women's shelter wants your old cell phones (recycled for money.) The Catholic School wants your aluminum cans and boxes of obsolete stationery envelopes. Catholic Social Services refugee resettlement program wants furniture, kitchenware, pots & pans. Call around and ask what specific needs you can share. Charities want to get the word out about their needs, but don't know how. You can be their voice.

  2. It sounds like the key word you have to write about is "donating", which is really giving, with nothing expected in return.  Donations include money, time and items, not just money.  Donating is about helping someone in need, not someone who needs money.

    One of the best suggestions I can give you is to take 60 minutes right now to go look around your home at all the blessings you have been, clothes, food, shelter.

    Now get a trash bag or box and gather up some items that you can donate to someone else.  Clothes you haven't worn in a while or have outgrown, gently worn shoes that you forgot you had, toys you have outgrown, extra or partially full toiletries, cans or boxes of food, old dishes, etc. Out of season clothes, jackets, gloves, winter coats, etc., are good too.   Simple rule of thumb:  Items you havent used in the last six months  you probably won't use in the future.  Stop gathering items after one hour.  (If you tell everyone else in your house what you are doing I bet they will offer items without you even asking.)

    Now research words like "charities in (fill in the name of your city)" on the internet.  Make a list three charities that could use your donated items.  Visit their websites to decide which one you want to "donate" your items to and write down why you chose them.  Be sure to note their name, address, phone number, email and website.

    Your speech is now ready to write.  You have all the information you need--it will be about your experience as a donor. Write about how easy it is to be a donor--you just learned that!  All it takes is maybe one hour a month to walk around the house.  It costs nothing. ANYONE can be a donor!

    (If your speech is due tomorrow, stop now and write your speech. If you have more than a day or two, it is important that you take the items to the charity you chose so you can see their office, their operation and even maybe those people you will be helping.)

    YOU are now a donor.  You can write about how it feels to be a donor, how you felt when you found something someone else could use, why you gave away some things and not others, what you thought about while you were gathering items, what you looked for in a charity to donate to and, especially think about the smile on the face of the child who gets your toy.

    The thesis for your speech could be:  People who have nothing don't necessarily need money. Just like you and me, first they need food, clothing, shelter and caring people (like you) who will take just one hour a month to make a difference in their lives.

    My best, Teresa

  3. You could write about the different types of charities and what the money goes for, March of Dimes, American Heart Association, Red Cross, look on the internet. You can start by going to and seek info on all the different charities and take it from there. Good luck.

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