
Help!!! I need your help now...?

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My friend...had a dog about 2 years old probably not so sure..

she is not a breeder but would have a lot of dogs in her house because she is all alone...

She gave her female dog HUMAN FERTILITY PILLS..

What the? Well i saw it and after a few moments later when she went away I made the dog vomit it...

I told her to stop it because she still don't know the effects...but she wouldn't listen.

So what are the effects to her dog? I'm worried so when I know I'm gonna prove my point...

So what are the pros and cons?

I mean it's outrageous! She needs to stop it..




  1. I can't give you any details because you didn't specify exactly what pills were given but...

    Human fertility pills can change the hormone levels in a female dog and this can lead to many problems, including organ damage.

    Someone needs to get that dog to a vet immediately and stop giving her those pills before they kill her.

  2. It could kill the dogs. You must insist for her to stop, and if she doesn't then call the authorities.

  3. Call the animl control !!! she can buy puppies, why force her dog ?

  4. I don't know what the effects could be but I doubt it would work it might actually do the opposite on the poor animal..Dog's don't need our help to get pregnant all they need is a male dog and if that is not working maybe the dog can't get pg the pills may make her very sick or be fatal to her i would not advise such a thing


  5. Where is she getting it from as I believe that is usually prescription.  If you really want to help and she won't stop, considering notifying the prescribing doctor on the bottle.  This will probably end your friendship.

    Female dogs fertility work very differently than humans.  This and of itself should be a reason not to give a human medication to a dog.  She could easily be slowly poisoning the dog.  Does she love it?

    Point out to your friend that things that are very safe for humans are toxic to dogs such as grapes, chocolate, etc.  If she has dogs, she probably knows this.  Why then would she chance giving something that is meant for a very different species without knowing the effects from a trained professional to her loving friend.

    Are the other dogs in good care?  If not, I would call animal control on her.

  6. The human pills aren't good for the dog, obviously.

    It could possibly kill her.

    Does she do this to all her females? Why is she doing it if she's not breeding them?(You shouldn't do it even if you ARE breeding them)

    Honestly, she doesn't sound right in her head.

    I would call the local ASPCA and have them cheak her out.

    ..People these days.

  7. She's a fruit loop!  You need to report her.  I know she's your friend and you know she'll know it was you..... but really, do you want to be friends with someone like that anyway?

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