
Help? I really want to lose weight! ?

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m in school monday-friday 8:30am-3:30pm

and i have a gym membership but i can only go with a parent and my mom only goes on weekdays while im in school.

and after school i have dance Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday.

im 4'10 or 11 and i weight about 116?

i Really want to lose at least 15-20 pounds!

so i can wear tight shirts and not have to worry about my stomach hanging out : / !

apperantly doing dance isnt enough to help cause it just makes me hungry then I crave sweets when i get home.

what can i do to help me lose the weight?

does dieting work?

if so, how can i stay on track?

and since im in school would this be okay.

breakfast: slimfast shake?

lunch: nature valley oats and honey granola bars [2]

snack: salad [ what kind of dressing would be best? ]

dinner: ??

please help me i would really appreciate it!




  1. try this

    take about an hour or two to do this

    do crunches, push ups, squats, lunges, and running

    TRUST ME youll loose it


  2. Are you crazy? If you lose weight, you might dissappear! Your only 116 lbs. Be happy and forget about the diet.

  3. it depends how old u r if your under 12 dont worry youll thin out so just dont worry and try to eat healthy

  4. a good exercise is jacking off and the best salad dressing would be a *** shot, jk

    the best breakfast is a bj, two nuts a beef stick and a shake

  5. Find a man and kiss him a lot. It burns so many calories.

  6. For losing weight in the stomach area, walking outdoors or walking on a treadmill for 30min a day.You can also do sit-ups.

    What your eating now is not healthy though, and is just a few steps from becoming on the path to anorexia.

    If you are going by weight/height proportion you are overweight, but not fat. There is a difference between being overweight and fat.

    For dinner you can eat skinless chicken or fish with rice and vegetables. You should however eat red meat at least once a week as meat has nutrients you need. Just dont eat the fat.

    Stay away from carbs. Bread, pasta, rice, all have high carbs, and that is what makes you gain weight. So those granola bars your eating for lunch most likely have high carb intake.

  7. You can get a Wii Fit and on Wednesday work out for about two hours.

  8. Okay your lunch should consist of fruits and vegetables, with maybe a little carbs. And maybe have one or two of those bars for a snack, since you crave sweets. But only limit yourself to two.

    Counting calories though would be your best bet with losing weight though. Start off with a 1500 cal diet. 400 cal breakfast 150cal snack 400 cal lunc 150 cal snack 400 cal dinner. But those are only estimates. It doenst matter how much you eat at which, as long as you limit yourself to 1500 calories. And excercise already seems to be covered with dance.

  9. A lot of your weight is water, sometimes when your skin feels bloated its because your body has special gland to store extra water. Drink about 3 water bottles throughout the day to be fully hydrated. With this water in your system your body will release the extra stored water in the glands. This will make you lose weight but you have to consistently drink water, not soda or juice.

    Also remember that 3,500 unused calories=1 pound.

    Try burning 250 calories through exercise and cut 250 calories from your diet this is 500 calories a day which means you will lose a pound a week, (not including the water weight lost)

    Also remember that fat cells are fat cells and muscle cells are muscle cells, so by doing extra crunches it will build muscle not lose the fat. The only way to lose fat is by burning through your sugar energy supply. Exercise in the morning before you eat anything, and this exercise must be using your legs and thighs where your bigger muscles are (they will use more energy and fat is energy)

    for salad dressing use light dressing, not ranch or caesar

    When you skip meals  (a meal must be at least 300 calories to be called a meal)(your "lunch" is not a meal) makes you over eat at the next meal.

  10. Honestly your to young to start dieting, and you aren't considered "obese". Keep dancing, cause that will only help. The BIG BIG BIG thing to do is to eat healthy. If you cut all the junk food out of your system... chips, fast food, soda... EVERYTHING. I PROMISE you that in 3 months time, you will look the why you want to. You don't even have to work out, but exercise can only help. If your serious about it though, you really cant cheat. You have to eat healthy and keep it that way. Treat yourself to junk food 1 MEAL. 1 TIME, 1 WEEK. (NO SODA!!!!!) When I say this, I dont mean eat a bag of chips, or buy 15 dollars worth of fast food. Im talking about a quarter pounder and a small fry. Anyway, I promise this will help.

  11. if you want to lose weight them you should set your self a sceeduale on what to eat and what not to eat if your craving something sweet then ear fruits instead of cakes if you cant go to the gym them work out at home sit ups push ups streaching running around the block all that helps but you still have to eat healthy in order for it to work good luck!!!

  12. youre going to be a twig if you lose weight. and um you cant live off of 400 calories. youll pass out. and wake up in the hospital. but maybe you'll get to meet mcdreamy or mcsteamy while youre there.

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