
Help! I regret a lie i told?

by Guest65670  |  earlier

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Ok... i recently quit gymnastics because i no longer liked it, ut i lied 2 my coach and said that i was leaving due "moving house". i work at mcdonald's and yesterday my old gymnastics coach came to mcdonalds while i was working.

she asked me if i had moved and i said yes because i didn't want her to think i had lied about my reason for quitting gymnastics. The problem now is, my boss has asked me to work on a day when my old gymnastics friends usually come to mcdonalds, and i'm worried about seeing them! They will ask me if i have moved and i will have to tell them yes because i told my old coach yes ,and if i say no, my coach will find out i lied to her! what should i do!




  1. Just fess up.  Say, "Coach, I lied about moving to get out of gymnastics.  I was afraid of hurting your feelings for quiting because I thought you'd take it personally when I just don't like it.  I'm sorry I lied.  I'm a stupid kid sometimes.  I hope you can forgive me for lying and for not coming to gymnastics anymore."

  2. haha! Backfired! If you see your coach make something up like we have the house but are not living in it yet. Have to do some renovations to it before you can move in.

    THat could just be digging you a deeper hole but might be worth a try

  3. Just say that there was a problem with the house you were going to move into.Say that things are now  on hold for awhile...........

    And next time....maybe just tell the ..truth.

  4. Just repent and confess in front of god. If possible, confess in front of the person to whom you have lied. That will strengthe your relation and will remove feel of guilt from your heart.

  5. That's the trouble with lying. You have to keep lying to cover up your first lie. Just tell them the truth. It's also easier to remember the truth. If you tell a lie you have to remember all the lies you have told so you don't make a mistake.

  6. your in a pickle

  7. Lies beget more lies.  Before Saturday, call your coach and tell her the truth -- that you had outgrown your enthusiasm for the sport but didn't have the heart to tell her.  Make sure you follow that up with an, "I'm sorry to have lied to you" and mean it.

    As the adage goes, "Honesty is the best policy."  Come clean with your ex-coach.  She might be mad but she'll get over it or not be mad at all.  The main thing is that you can sleep at night knowing that you're not a liar.

  8. You should tell the truth.!! told a lie once and have to keep telling a lie and another one after that...Just tell the truth (unless you want to live as a hermit and NEVER go'd run the risk of seeing someone else you have to lie to in order to cover up the first lie: why you wanted to quit the team)

    Posted later....I see that you like the Spice Girls...did you see them in concert???

  9. honestly i think you should fess up.....or you can get another job which i dont think you would really want to do....

    CONFESS....tell her why you told her the white lie... she'll understand and you'll feel better about it trust me

  10. is your coach a close friend? if not, then don't worry what she thinks if she finds out you lied. and if you friends come in on certain days, you're going to have to face them SOMETIME in the future at your workplace. you can't just avoid that day forever. just say, "uhh... not yet"

  11. channel the question.  If they say 'have you moved now?' you can say 'don't you think you should be eating something healthier than McDonalds if you're a gymnast?' and by the time they've finished fluffing over why they're eating unhealthy food, they will have forgotten about you moving!

    LOL, it's a tricky situation though - perhaps you should just say 'yes' when they ask if you've moved and not elaborate.  If they ask where to, just say you moved to a bigger house on the same street in the end (in case they see you around!).  If they weren't that close, they probably don't know which house you lived in anyway!

    I do silly things like this too sometimes - next time you want to leave something like gymnastics, just say you're leaving because you've got too many extra-curricular activities or something which sounds plausible.

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