I'm freaking out! I just took my clothes off the line, dumped them on my bed, and was folding them. I changed my sheets this morning and am a VERY clean person, my friends call my "Monk" (on TV, he is a germaphobe).
I was folding the clothes and I saw a bug that I thought was a gnat. I thought maybe it had landed on my clothes when I took them in off the line so I killed it. I was pretty grossed out.
Then I saw another a couple of minutes later. Then another, this one jumped. I was terrified that fleas jumped off of the ground and onto my clothes while they were on the line.
Then I saw a 4th when I brought in the next load of clothes! This one was bigger and had wings. I looked it up and fleas don't have wings. I don't know if it is a gnat, maybe it just looked like the other one jumped? It really did look like it though. All of these bugs look alike.
I HATE BUGS AND ANYTHING I DEEM "UNCLEAN." Now I'm itching all over from the idea of it and I'm close to hysteria!!!