
Help I think I am addicted to vicodin...I'm 13?

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I have a history of taking pills and becoming addicted to them. This summer I had my wisdom teeth removed and got two prescriptions of vicodin. I didn't use but like 3 pills so I had tons of them left. I just mixed them in with my other random pills I used to take well now I am always shaky until I get more and I am even taking vicodin before school. Today the first(kinda) day of school I showed uo high on vicodin. I get crazy when I can't find any or don't think I have any more and start searching everywhere that maybe I left some there. Well I'm running out I have about 5 left. I have no connections to get more and I'm scared of what will happen when I run out. I can't tell my parents. I told them about other serious problems but was pushed away and ignored.(self injury). How should I deal with this? Find a way to get more and slowly come off them? Just stop and deal with it? What?? and also the way I act, does it mean I am addicted? or just like it?




  1. I really suggest you go to to an parent or care giver that you trust with this. It could have very bad effects on your health. Please Get some help. I know my sister in law got hooked on pills after her back was broke and it took a while but now is is clean. She had got so bad she would hurt her self to get pills. please for your sake get some help.

  2. If your parents don't help, maybe the only way is to check yourself into a the local rehab center.  That will get their attention, especially if the doctor there can call them and give them a reality check.  You definitely need a doctor to help guide you.

    And yes, you are definitely addicted.

  3. I agree with Billy S.  You need to get help, it does sound like you are addicted.  But I think your parents have some responsibility in this.  Why do you have access any type of medication to begin with.  If they had been giving them to you as directed instead of letting you get your own and then flushing the script when it was no longer needed you might not be addicted now. 13 is not old enough to responsibly control your medications to begin with I don't care what kind of medication it is. But that's not important, the important thing is getting you the help you need. Since you don't feel you can go to your parents then I suggest you call a crisis hotline that can help you, a great one is 1-800-448-3000.  They have trained people that can help you.

  4. YOU HAVE TO STOP NOW!!!I have been addicted to all pain pills for 8 yrs and am going into rehab to get off them.They are dangerous and so addictive.Stop.Go threw a bit of withdrawl.Your so young.I am 40 and started drugs when I was your age and am still doing them.I have HEP C and HIV from doing drugs.Don't throw your life away.I'm sure you are a good kid.Be strong.

  5. If it were just Vicodin I'd say let yourself run out, get ready for a few ugly days, then stay off them, because you are definitely describing addictive behavior.  But then you said something scary: "I just mixed them in with my other random pills".  Without knowing what those are, it could be extremely dangerous to go off all of it cold turkey.  In particular, if you've been taking lots of benzodiazepines (Valium and the like) for a long time, going cold turkey could quite literally kill you.

    The fact that you get shaky when you go too long without the pills tells me that you're physically addicted.

    The safest thing for you to do would be to go to detox.  Given your family situation, that might get nasty.  So I'd suggest this: Wean yourself off the vicodin.  If you have five left, break two in half.  When you get shaky, take half of one.  Do the same for the other three halves.  Then break the other three into quarters, and do the same thing, only taking quarter pills instead of half-pills.  Then when you run out, just deal.  The bad spell doesn't last more than a couple days, and it's nothing like Trainspotting (if you've seen it).

    While you're doing this, don't change anything about whatever else you've been taking.  After you've been off the vicodin awhile, get educated about the other stuff, and work toward getting off it.  If you absolutely can't then you're going to have to get help.

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