
Help! I think a student stole from me?

by  |  earlier

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I teach a kids karate class. I have been teaching for 8 years and have just been lucky the students in general have been just good. Well yesterday as I was leaving and getting my things together and trying to find my wallet but that was it I couldn't find it and I know I brought it there (had to pay $5 to use a locker). Well there was one girl (11) still waiting for a ride and I asked her if she had seen my wallet on the ground and she started to get uncomfortable. I asked her if she knew anything and she told me how she saw one girl (15) going through my bag but since she said she had permission the other girl just went away and didn't see anything else.

the problem is the girl she acused I have known for 8 years and has just been completly wonderful, always respectfu;

and the other girl I have known for 3 years quiet but nice another one always real respectful.I don't want to make the girls think I am questioning their trust and what if i'mwrong. How to get my wallet back? HELP!




  1. Get both girls and parents (maybe not both parents and girls at the same time. Parents could fight!)and put all of this out in the open! One thing: do not a proach the girls without their parents. I know that as a parent I would not appreciate that. but honesty is the way to go.

  2. the only thing u can do is to ask the other gurl. dont let her no off top that the other gurl told on her. see wat she say first. i would defenitly comfront her about it. all the time u have known them should make it easier for u to do so... if she sounds like u cant believe her then u no wat to do from there... u can just about tell when kids of that age r lieing...

    good luck

  3. I would tell the entire class you "LOST" your wallet and if anyone finds it please bring it to me, no questions asked.

  4. I would send a note out to all parents stating that you have lost your wallet. Say that it could have accidentally fallen into any child's bag in the rush to leave and you would appreciate that all students and parents search their belongings for it.

    If it was stolen, the thief may not want to return it. So, tell them they can contact you at such and such number if it turns up- or drop it in such and such mail box at your place of business.

    Before that, I would pull the girls aside and ask why anyone was going through your bag. Ask individually.

    Continue to look for it, as well. I really hope it has been misplaced and not stolen. Good Luck!

  5. Maybe you left it at the place you rented the locker. Ask them before you accuse the children.

    You could also ask a local police officer to come to your class and explain that you 'lost' your wallet and that each of them needs to help find it. Chances are the one who took it will 'discover' it, minus the money and with an implausible story.

    One question. If you had a locker, why wasn't your wallet stowed in there?

  6. i would talk to both parents of the girls, in a way of not really accusing them

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