
Help! I think i made a serious mistake

by  |  earlier

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I just got a call from "Caller Advantage" saying i was gonna receive a free $100 gas gift card. They already knew my name and everything and then wanted to know my cc number. I told them I didn't feel comfortable giving that away but they said it was fine as long as i didn't tell them my CVC number. so i gave it to them. but now im freaking out. Could they use my number to make purchases without knowing my CVC number???




  1. If the gas card was free, they shouldn't have needed your CC #. Just keep an eye on things, and if any funny business comes up, let your CC company know, and they should be able to trace it back and find out who the scam artists are, if it is a scam.

  2. Big mistake..

    Never give out your card number ..

    Notify your card supplier immediatley...They have a 24hr line..

    Explain in detail, your conversation with "Caller Advantage"

    They will able to block any illegitemant transactions.

    Good Luck

  3. Cancel the card and get a replacement as soon as you can. Like now?

  4. check Snopes! The warning has been there for days and you may well be screwed!!!!

  5. cancel ur credit card ! you were scammed! if its a free gift why the **** would they need your card!  yes they can spend and buy online, they dont need ur ccv! silly billy

  6. Call your crddit card company right now.  Tell them what happned so they can freeze it or cancel that card.  Yes it is a scam that one of my coworkers fell for a while back. Trust me you got scamed. Never give you credit card number out like that again.

  7. may be they are realy have some company they don't use it other they chiter than .... firstly u change ur cvc no.

  8. Call your credit card company and tell them what you did.  They can stop the charges for you.

  9. Doesn't look good for you.  You should not have given your credit card number away and it didn't seem like you questioned them enough.  Why would they give away $100 of free gas to you?  Some sites do not require a CVC # to purchase.  It remains optional for businesses to use.  All big online sites and majority of sites in general use CVC but again, there are a few out there that don't.  

    Edit: I recommend you calling your credit card company immediately and get the best course of action from them.  It is best to notify them right now in case the scammers have started using your credit card already.  This way you can avoid the damages because you alrdy told the credit card company to cancel your card.

  10. Call Equifax ASAP

  11. OMG...haven't you heard on the news this past week about the largest scam in decades!

  12. you can check in your bank and see if they made any purchases. But uhh you should've asked why they needed yur cc ?...But yea just check with your bank any last bank balances an what not..if they used somethin make sure you tell your bank INMIDIATLY! so they wont ruin yur credit and yur money

  13. O, O, Sounds not good, what is cvc number?

  14. hello. Im working in a phone company. We cant take money out of credit card number. We will be needing cvc as well as with expiry and issue number of the card. For Data protection all of these info must be supplied so money out will be successful. Im confident that this is universal and im sure they cant take out money from your cc.

    Banks wont make money tranfer that easy.

  15. Yes they can.  They can make a good clone of your card.  The CVC isn't stored in the magnetic stripe, which is why it is asked for when ordering online, it indicates that the card is physically present at the keyboard.

    Call your credit card company and report it.  Make sure they know that it is your fault that someone malicious has your credit card number.

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