my wife and I had a very violent fight several months ago, in which she inflicted several large cigarette burns into the right side of my neck. my memory is slightly hazy but that last thing i remember her saying is that she had to take a bath.
recently i was laid off from my job so i have been spending the majority of my time relaxing at home, watching tv, etc.
within the past few months i had just assumed that my wife has been playing mind games and avoiding me around the house and trying to make me miss her and things like that. However, recently there has been little or no noise in my house aside from the sound of me breathing.
i have tried several times to break into the bathroom, but there is a very strong deadbolt locking the door in place. lately i have been smelling this foul aroma in the air like vegetables left in a pot of water for too long.
i really think that my wife is dead but if i phone the police i may be held liable for the death of my wife. what should i do?