
Help!!! I think there might be something wrong with my baby?

by  |  earlier

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My baby is 5mths old and has been in hosp 3 times in 7 ws. At first she had a really bad respiratory virus. She had to be tube fed. needed oxygen and had a collapsed lung. Her heart rate was extremely high, 214bpm.

The second and third time the doc said her immune was low and that is why she is still sick, but her lung was better and her heart rate was still high and she needed oxygen for another 12 hours.

Pls help.




  1. You need to ask her Dr about this. There's not enough info for me to give advice other than that. There could be a number of things that could be going with your baby.  

  2. Talk to your doctor. There will be very few qualified to help you here and anyone who claims to be qualified may be wrong. You should be asking for a reference to a specialist regarding your baby's condition.  

  3. sell the baby on the black market yo

  4. i would see another doctor until you can figure out what's going on...if you think there is an underlying condition then don't give up until you get the answers you need.  

  5. If you have seen a doctor and they say that nothing is wrong you shouldn't be to worried. If your still concerned perhaps go for a second opinion? I hope your baby gets better!

    hope that helps!

  6. if there is something wrong with you baby you need to go to the docs or hospital!! use your brain!!

  7. Take her to the hospital if you think she is having problems again; no on here is qualified enough to diagnose her...esp over the internet!!

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