
Help! I took the ring out of my belly button, need some advice! Points to best answer.?

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I just took my belly button ring out today because it was being rejected. It's a little scabbed and maybe a tiny bit p***y. How long do you think it will take for the wound to heal completely? And please give me tips to make it heal faster with less scarring because I would like to get it done again.




  1. Cover it up, stay away from white trash hang outs, you should be fine

  2. use warm water to melt large grain salt before u do that u must use rubing alchohol and cleen up the are, disinfect 2 or more times a day and keep it cleen and dont play with it, also u should disinfect the piercing eachtime u put it in and uot

  3. salt water soaks, keep it clean and dry

    it should completely heal within the next 4 weeks

  4. take some epsome(sp) salt like sea salt and mix it with warm water and put it in a cup then lay down and flip the cup onto your stomach and let the salt clean it out and get some neosporin and put it in there....thats what i did and theres no scar  

  5. Keep it clean by using an antibacterial wash on it twice a day. Also use neosporin as it helps speed up the healing process. After its healed, use mederma after its healed as it significantly reduces scarring.

  6. okay, well i heard salt water hellps to heal it.

    but you will always have the scar there.

  7. If it's being rejected, it'll probably leave a good scar. When I took out mine the first time, I had a noticable brown scar so I just repierced it in the same spot

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