
Help! I want to STRANGLE this girl.?

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Ugh! So my best friend is horrible when it comes to guys. Here's the story [Sorry it's so long but I really need answers and HELP]:

So we were at this party 2 days ago and my friend [her name is jess] new a couple of the people there through her family. Well, one of the people had a friend who i found extremely attractive. After the party when we were driving home i said that he was really hot and she laughed and was texting back and forth with one of the hot guy's friends whom she knew. Well, it just so happens she got his NUMBER and that he thought i was cute too. So the past few days i was texting the dude [his name is mike...sigh. haha] as was Jess. She ALWAYS has time to text and every time I talk to her she brags about how much she has talked to Mike, how awesome he is, etc. Now I'm not really into texting, so I haven't talked to him THAT much. But she ALWAYS rubs it in my face how much she talks to guys that I like. She then continues to throw herself at the guy and tell them stuff about ME which isn't always good. and to top it all off, they always seem to talk to her more than to me even if it is just to find out stuff about me which drives me NUTS. I don't mean to sound shallow or anything but guys don't normally like her "like that" if you know what I mean, could that be why she always throws herself at guys that I like who like me back? She just always seems to get overly involved in the guys i take interest in. GROWL!

HELP! I am about ready to STRANGLE this girl




  1. just strangle her till her tongue hangs out

  2. tell her that you think she isnt a good friend if she keeps throughing herself at the guys and you hate when she does. and if she doesnt understand than shes not a good friend and shes not wirth your time.

  3. Tell her to back off and let you do the talking.  You should also tell her to find a guy that you DON'T like.

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