
Help!! ....... I want to start learning to play the guitar?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i love music and writing songs but it has always disappointed me that I couldn't play a instrument so I recently decided on learning the guitar: 1) cuz it's easy to carry around and 2) my roommate has one so i won't have to but a new one... well for now.

He has an electric guitar but my friend may be able to hook me up with her acoustic guitar which she doesn't use. I have tons of time to dedicate to practice but I don't want to take lessons as i 1) honestly have better stuff to spend it on. and 2) kinda wanna teach myself

so questions: ................1) would it be possible to teach myself online, if so do u know of any good websites I can use?

2) I will mostly play slow songs when i finally learn to play so should i focus on the acoustic or electric.. i'm thinking acoustic.

3) how much hrs of practice a day would be good enough?




  1. Just look up "guitar lessons" on youtube.

  2. just play to ur fingers bleed thats what i do

  3. 1. you'll need someone to help you in the beginning with things like how to hold the guitar, how to tune it, how to position your fretting hand on the neck and fingers on the fingerboard to get clean clear-sounding notes and chords, how to strum or fingerpick the strings -- technical stuff like that.  A teacher would be a good idea, but if you can get your roommate and/or your friend to show you these things (assuming they can actually play), that would be OK.  

    I'm afraid I can't help you with online learning resources, I learned to play guitar out of books as a teen (after taking a couple of months worth of lessons), back in the Dark Ages before the Internet was invented, LOL.

    2. If you're going to play mostly by yourself, I would go with the acoustic.  Acoustic guitar sounds full and complete when its played by itself; to my ears, electric guitar always sounds like it needs to be part of a band.

    3. How many hours should you practice every day -- well, how many hours a day can you spare?  To a certain extent, the more practice time you put in, the faster you'll progress.  But as a beginner you may initially find it hard to play more than an hour or 2 a day (if that much) -- your fretting hand fingertips won't be used to pressing against the strings and they WILL get very, very sore and painful.  There's no getting around that.  But after a few weeks of practice, you'll develop callouses on your fingertips and it won't hurt to play anymore. So tough it out for the first few weeks and then you'll be able to practice as much as you want.  But at least in those first few weeks, I would practice for no more than 15 minutes at a time, then take a break for 15 minutes or so, do another 15 minutes of practice, take another break, etc.

  4. Hi friend

    I play the guitar since 10 years ago.the first thing that you should consider is that WHAT STYLE ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY?classic, jazz, flamenco , ...

    As you found your answer now it's time to get familiar with the best player of that style.

    I don't know to what level are you going to continue but let me tell you that there is no end point for such a thing.

    for more you can contact many websites.this is my email if you like you can write to me.

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