
Help Identify this spider please.?

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Ok so I'm sitting here at home about to go outside to do some fire poi (which this doesn't matter to the point) anyways and this huge spider comes into my room scares me half to death so I jump up grab a cup put it over him and put a piece of glass under it and look at it, from what I know of the looks it has two black front legs the rest are brown, the body is brown with black strips, so if anyone has any clues please help me and I took a picture of it as well to help.

If you have any questions just leave it and I'll update it within moments.




  1. The pictures aren't very clear, how big is it and where are you located?

    Thanks for the extra info. I actually grew up in Kansas, and we would have called the spider you found a Wolf spider. A quick search on Wikipedia for wolf spider turned up an article with a picture of your little beauty in it. (see reference)

    If you're new to KS, the only species of spiders of medical importance there are the Black Widow and Brown Recluse, which are both easily identifiable.

  2. It looks like a type of tarantula.

  3. I live in Kansas too.  I see those all of the time.  It is called a Grass Spider.  I was actually bit by one when I was a kid.  It felt like a pinch and got red.  It itched for a day.  It was not serious.  Below are a couple of clearer pictures.  The male has those pedipalps that look like little boxing gloves.  

  4. The pictures are too blurry for an accurate identification. If you could post a clear one that would be helpful. Whatever species it is, it's a male. You can tell by his enlarged pedipalps, in between his front pair of legs.

    Also location of spider? U.S.?

    Update: May be a grass or wolf spider. Wolf spiders do not build webs. Possibly Agelena naevia? Please check link below for pic, scroll down less than 1/3.

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