
Help Im 9w3d prego.....?

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and Ive had this killer headache all day my neck is starting to hurt too....I had this same kind of headache yesterday and it finally when away when i feel asleep last night and came back shortly after I woke up....its killing me please help!!!




  1. Take some Tylenol.  

  2. I know it sucks, but there is no good cure.  It''s common in early pregnancy to have blind-siding headaches.  Try putting an ice pack on your eyes and laying down in a dark, quiet room.  Good luck and hope you feel better!

  3. Don't worry, it happens. I've had 3 kids, and with each I had (this is strange) ONE massive migraine withing the first 3 months of the preg. I don't know what caused it, but I do know I have very 3 very healthy kids.  

  4. I got terrible headaches in early pregnancy too.  Unfortunately, the only thing you can take right now is regular Tylenol.  :-(

  5. this is so normal for the stage of pregnancy ur in... i get the worst migranes!!

    dont worry bout it being anything harmfull, but the only thing u can take is tylenol and i use something to rap round the back of my neck and pull it forward... and use ice packs if u need!

    hope have helped

  6. try taking some tylenol, or ibuprofen you can take ibuprofen up to 32 weeks, also there is nothing that says you cannot take extra strength tylenol, on my medications I can take, during pregnancy you can take tylenol regular or extra strength, and ibuprofen up to 32 weeks ( a list from my doctor) Also you make be dehydrated which can happen very easily during pregnancy try drinking more water throughout the day

  7. Talk to your doctor because i had the same thing happening with me when i was first pregnant and i was missing some thing in my diet and ya after i started changing my diet  my headaches went a way and till then try a clod cloth and lay down and my doctor told me i could take extra strenght tylenol for my headaches because it wouldnt hurt the baby

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