
Help! Im a 13 year and im gonna be tested for drugs soon!!

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well as you all know im a 13 year male (black) and im athletic and have alot of enery.My parents are tryin 2 get me tested for weed [they jus told me like 10 minutes ago] and ive smoked some this passed tuesday.Ive researched the stuff that gets me clean like cranberry juice,cherries,and redbull and i wanna kno if this stuff really works and if it does do you think itll get everything outta my system in a week or a lil more??This wasnt my first time smoking.I hit some weed a week b4 tuesday so i had a pretty sure guess that i was clean.But the other thing is my parents said im gettin a hair folicle test.What SHOULD I DO!!!!!!





  1. If they take a hair sample then your SOL.. but the old saYIng goes you made your bed sleep in it! You are far to young to be doing drugs. I think if you get a urine test done then the cran juice and stuff could work , im not sure though. Anyways grow up and stop killing braincells!

  2. hopefully this will drill some sense into you. haven't you heard of the expression 'just say no'?


  3. Ha deserves you right you dope head

  4. If I could go back in time, this is what i would do, i had a similar experience with you, you are 13, you DON'T have to be a man, but if i was you, i would tell my parents that i smoked one time last week, drugs are not good, just be honest, this will help you in the future, if you lie now, you will keep lying and end up doing worse drugs than weed, and you will not be athletic and you will suck at sports and your energy will go way down with smoking weed, tell them the truth, truth me if they are good parents (seems like they are) they will not punish you but give you a good lecture so pay attention and tell them the truth they already know.

  5. You're a 13 year old athlete.  Getting caught now could be the best thing to ever happen to you.

  6. Pull a Britney Spears on their a s s and get your head shaved!  LOL

  7. hair test your screwed, they trace it back to 6 months. p**s test you might past, just workout a lot and drink a lot of water, flush your system completely. I been in this situation before, it sucks, but your parents just might be trying to scare you. I don't know but god luck dude.

  8. you're busted little dude. grow up, leave the weed alone, and be man enough to take the punishment that "should" be coming to you.

  9. That's so pathetic to be doing weed at your age. Or to do weed at any age. Your parents are doing you a favor, because this drug test isn't going to hold you back from anything, i.e. a job. So maybe you failing this test will teach you a lesson before you grow up to be a loser.

  10. well now...leave town...there's a the time they find you you might 'ave a fighting chance at that stupid doper

    ...or since you already screwed...get high everyday you're busted least you won't care as much

  11. dumbass

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