
Help! Im confused about boxing - a few questions i have?

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1 - Who decides who is "the heavyweight champion of the world" in boxing - I see all these different kind of belts and divisions - which belt makes u be the official champ

2 - Who is the Heavyweight Champion in boxing now

3 - Who is the best American heavyweight now

4 - what is meant by "undisputed champion of the world"

5 - what is meant by "unifying the title"

6 - How is boxing scoring done - usually i see whoever did the most damage in the round he wins it 10 -9 - if he really puts a beating on him it might be 10 - 8 --- then do they add up the rounds or add up the total score??

seems its like match play in golf where u add up the number of holes u win rather than adding up the total score for the round




  1. Thats a refree jobs. I think mayweatherflyd i thing. U havent loss a champion ship yet. OMG u ask to many question kid ask a real boxer.

  2. 1. There is no single "heavyweight champion of the world. Every association has it's own title and so it's own belt. There are four major associations ( WBO WBA WBC IBF) and hundreds of small associations and all award their own heavyweight title. So there are four official champs.


    WBA: Ruslan Chagaev

    WBC: Samuel Peter

    WBO and IBF: Wladimir Klitschko

    3. This is hard to answer because none of the present champs is american. So we have to watch and see.

    4. This is just a phrase for a very succesful boxer who defended his title several times succesfully or managed to unify several titles. Ali was called "the undisputed". But this is not an official title.

    5. Unifying a title is to challenge another world champion. The winner gets both titles (like Wladimir Klitschko at the moment). It is possible to collect all of the four major titles but that wasn't done in the past decades. (such a boxer could be called undisputed champ)

    6. Each round the winner gets 10 points the loser 9. If there was a knockdown or one lost a point because of unfair fighting these ponits are reduced from the round score. At the end you sum up all the points a boxer earned in the bout (so a maximum of 120 Points in a 12 round fight).  If a 12 round fight with no knockdowns ends with 120-108 you know that the loser didn't win a single round.

    In amateur boxing it's different. There every punch landed counts as a point. These also get summed up to the final result. So in amateur boxing you can win a fight even if you were the weaker boxer in 3 of 4 rounds.

  3. WBA: Ruslan Chagaev

    WBC: Samuel Peter

    WBO and IBF: Wladimir Klitschko

  4. i don't blame you for being confused, it's hard to keep up with the game sometimes!

    alright, here goes.....if i miss anything, someone else will come along behind me and hopefully give you  the info you seek.

    there are about 8 or so orginisations calling themselves "world governing bodies", and sanction "world title fights"

    we will only consentrate on the 4 main ones:

    world boxing association  or WBA

    world boxing council or WBC

    international boxing federation or IBF

    world boxing orginisation or WBO

    each have a titleholder or "champion" in each division, and sometimes two titleholders  (e.g  wba champ vs wbc champ) will meet in a unification.......if someone holds all 4 belts, they are the "undisputed champion".....although sometimes they are refered to such even if they only hold 3 of them (the minor belts such as the ibc, ibo, and wbf belts are not taken seriously and no one -except the beltholders care about them).

    the heavyweight champs are as follows:

    vladimir klitschko= WBO/ IBF

    samuel peter = WBC

    ruslan chagaev= WBA

    the best american heavyweight is arguably washington d.c's tony thompson

    how to score a fight:

    a fight is scored round by round, and added up at the end by an official from the state athletic commission,

    if you can't seperate who was the better fighter, you score a round 10-10

    if a fighter wins a round, you score it 10-9 to the better fighter.

    if a fighter scores a knock down, you score it 10-8

    if he scores two knock downs, it may be scored 10-7 ( at the judges discretion),

    if a fighter scores 3 knockdowns, (most orginisations insist the fight is stopped after 3  knock downs), it is very seldom scored less than 10-7 (again the judges discretion)

    points are deducted for fouls... eg. headbuts, low blows ect.

    hope this helps you out.

  5. Historically, there was only one Championship belt for one and only one Champion but as time went by, many fighters refused to fight number one contenders in fear that they might lose their championship lifestyle and status.. So boxing would take a dive in terms of popularity because none of the dream-fights would take place until the threat of being stripped of the title came to be..      Therefore other boxing sanctions came up with the idea of creating new Championship belts/titles such as the WBA, WBC, NABF, WBO, Americas, European Championship, etc...This idea help revived the interest of boxing fans who became frustrated with the inactivity of the then, so-called Champions..Champions were then and very much so today, motivated to gain the title of disputed world champion which of course means the winner and holder of all belts in his/her perspective division.

      Vladimir Klistscho and Samuel Peters are

    2 current Heavy-weight Champions..When two champions in the same weight class fight each other, the winner becomes the unified champion..Or better put, the winner of all Champions in a weight-class, is the unified "Disputed" world champion.

      At present, non of our American Heavy-weights are consistent enough to even be considered the best....

      Yes points are added up at the end of the fight to determine who the winner is. Points are initially accumulated during each round.

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