
Help! Im extremely vain and obsessed with beauty!?

by Guest33970  |  earlier

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The question pretty much sums it up. I constantly stare at my reflection when im alone, i think im very pretty and lucky. I can't help it. I also wash my face constantly, straighten my hair and do extreme diets to become skinny so that i could improve my appearance. Obviously other people tell me im beautiful but i normally just laugh it off, i never let people know that i care about outer beauty. I also judge other people constantly by their looks, but only inside my head. On the outside im very kind to them.

So is what im doing morally wrong or completely harmless? And is something wrong with me, it seems that other people constantly pick out the flaws in their appearance and have low self esteem, but i just feel totally confident. However, guys constantly stare when im out in public so is it not worth it?

God i hate to sound so superficial!




  1. Beauty isn't everything what really counts is your education but nobody said its not alright to look in the mirror a couple times a day but you really need to focus on education.

  2. It is not morally wrong to have ideas in your head.  If you wish to judge people's looks, you may do so.  But I advise you to take more into consideration when judging someone's personae or character.

    Is it worth it?  Is what worth it?  And even though you are supeficial, as long as you do not let your superficiality get in the way of making sound judgments, you have the constitutionally protected right to do so.  But there is much more to people than their looks. Beware of setting yourself up for the ultimate letdown, because your looks will fade sometime in the near future.  What will you think of yourself then?

  3. Well I am kinda the same way. While I do not think there is a man on this planet that is better then me, I do not stare at myself in the mirror.

    Ugly people give me the creeps & I do not like to be around them. I never say it or show it, but it is how it is. Thank God your thoughts are private huh? lol Well at least until you post them here.

  4. The only prob is your extreme dieting, especially if you are aiming for that skinny look, I think that's gross. Extreme diets only work temporarily and is very harmful, eventually it will catch up to you or make it harder for you to lose extra pounds if you need to. It doesn't work consistently. It's better to eat smaller portions instead of depriving yourself from the things you really like and exercise often. Why not just focus on getting toned and having a normal healthy weight. One more thing, criticizing others appearance is actually a sign that you aren't that confident in yourself as you may think bc you feel the need to compare yourself or point at others flaws to maybe make yourself feel better about your looks.

    Everything else is normal, I'm always staring at myself every chance I get!!! lol

  5. nothing wrong with you. its just your thoughts and there is NO WAY you can safetly change them. your doing the right thing by keeping some of them in. like the one about judging people secretly although you stil being kind to them. thats good.

    thats good that you have confidence. just dont gloat about it. when someone tells you your beautiful, you can thank them for the compliment, but dont let it get out of hand. i t sounds like your doing a good job though.

  6. confidence is good. if you don't want guys staring at you, i say hold off on the extreme diets and beauty routines. we all judge by appearance, we have no other basis to fall back on with strangers. its harmless. you're a teen girl, you'll mellow out.

  7. you'll probably grow up to be a stuck up w***e guys are going to look at you know but eventually all the high maitance gets old.    

  8. Just posting this questions proves that you're not all that bad.  Actually you sound like a normal person :)  I would cut the "extreme dieting" if I were you, but otherwise just remember to focus on WHO you actually are.  You're pretty, you know it, so you don't have to do anything more to accentuate this.  Just focus on the personality part now :)

    Good luck!

  9. its not your fault....its the guessing your in your teens....honestly, you sound like an intelligent girl who is acknowledging a prob, so im sure you know that beauty is gonna be gone one day, and being beautiful is something which is god gifted, treating it with humility will jus enhance it. appreciating your self to a level is great but obsessing over it , is well, NOT great. it cud lead to clinical conditions like sure u know all abt i sed before, its the media, which is indirectly drilling into our youth that looks are uber imp. but u have to rationalize and think that good looks on TV sells. and abt boys staring a  you...doesn't mean they are appreciating you...they are just looking at Ur exterior, so pay more attention to yourself....its really imp that you make a conscious effort to stop obsessing....

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